Charlotte, NC Pathfinder game

Gamer Connection

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I passed the bar and in celebration of all my hard work I would like to pick up my favorite hobby and meet some of the local gamers in Charlotte, NC.

I am willing to be flexible on time/day and even the AP but so far I would like to propose-->

System: Pathfinder, with liberal use of 3.X material with GM approval.

Details: The best AP Dungeon Magazine ever published, The Savage Tide. Swords, pirates, high seas, demons, basically Treasure Island meets Land of the Lost, who doesn’t like this stuff?

Levels: Starting at 1 and ending near 20, I can easily work in the new Mythic Adventures materials but honestly I haven’t really had a chance to look at it.

Looking for Players: Yes, ideally I would like between four and six players who will consistently show up.

New Players Welcome: Always, one of the main reasons I game is to introduce people to the hobby I have loved my entire life.

Group Size: Ideally 4-6.

Session Duration: 4 hours

Time: Weekly on a week night

Reply here or email me @ if you are interested.

Hi Max,

First off, congrats on passing your bar exam!

Secondly, as I'm currently experiencing some GM burnout, the thought had crossed my mind to look for a local games where I might actually get to play for once. ;)

With that in mind, have you given thought to the locale at which you might run the game? I myself live near McAlpine Park so the game store across from the post office in Matthews is would be a good fit for me at least. As for the time of day/week, currently I am free every day after 7pm (except Sunday when I run my game), although as my employer is laying off the entire team in about 3 weeks, I expect that to change when I find a new job.

As for the AP itself, Savage Tide is an awesome quest, although I'll be up-front about having read thru it in its entirety. (At one point I was GMing it for my own group.) While I'm used to keeping player knowledge separate from character knowledge, I realize that not everyone is comfortable with such things. If you are open to other possibilities, the current AP looks to involve quite a bit of demon-fighting badassery and I myself have not perused the material (other than reading forum threads regarding controversial NPCs).

Anyhooo, if you want to schedule a meet-up at some point to feel out group chemistry, feel free to reply here, drop me a PM, or send me an email. :)

my username at gee male dot com

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Thanks for the congratulations.

As the resident GM from my original group and through college I completely understand GM burnout and would be glad to help!

I will email you when I get back in town and schedule a meet-up.

I am really flexible as to location, I live in Plaza/Midwood so in addition to being a hipster I'm centrally located. My parents live in Mint Hill and I have no idea how the aforementioned gaming store escaped me but the Yelp entry and the website look really promising.

Finally, I agree the new AP looks great. I was actually going to cancel my subscription until I looked at the all-star lineup of authors. I flipped through the first and other than a grand central sized railroad it looks promising.

Look forward to an email when I get back in town later this week.

Sounds good! Oh and if you're up in Midwood, another possible venue might be Amélie's. While it wouldn't be quite as private as YLGS, I've seen other groups gaming there plenty of times. Plus, 24×7 coffee and pastries... Need I say more? ;)

Have a good trip and TTYL.

Dark Archive

sorry to pop in on an older post but just as an fyi, i know its not an AP, but if you want to play some pathfinder join us at YLGS in Matthews tues and fri nigh for pathfinder society. its really taking off up there on avg we have about 15 people. email me if you have any questions, also find us in the event page on

or even on our page.

hope to see y'all out there sometime!

Thanks for the heads-up! :)

Dark Archive


Lantern Lodge

Looking for a charlotte group myself

What days of the week are you free, and what's your idea of a good group playstyle?

My group meets up on Sunday evenings, and it's generally a pretty laid-back, humorous game. We all happen to be friends as well, though that doesn't mean new players are an impossibility (provided they are socially liberal/accepting, don't mind a slower pace than normal, and are ok with players who don't really get into heavy tactics or much optimization).

If that's a non-starter, a good option would be to check the game store across the street from the Matthews post office. There's always games happening there!

Happy hunting!

I'd actually be interested in a PF group in Charlotte as well, though I'm not super interested in organized play.

My preferences for a group are pretty open, with the main caveat that I prefer game time to be game time, rather than taking a backseat to phones, laptops, ect.

I don't lean towards heavy optimization, though I can hold my own if that's how the game leans. I'd love to play an AP.

If you guys are still looking for games in Charlotte, your best bet might be to try the gaming guild at UNCC. I don't think there are any pathfinder going now (the one I was in fizzled due to RL) but there are a number of games going on and you might find on, not taking place at the guild. The meet friday nights on the second floor of the Health & Human Service building. Good luck.

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