GM credit by subtier

GM Discussion

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Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

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I'm getting tired for the night, so can someone please refresh me?

If I run a 1-5 game at the 1-2 subtier, and apply it to a 4th level character, do I get the subtier 4-5 gold or the 1-2 gold?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

4-5. That part of GM credit hasn't changed.

Silver Crusade 4/5

What if you Gm a 1-5 and apply the credit to a level 3? Do you now get out of subtier gold?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Guide to Organized Play pg37 wrote:
Should a GM receive a Chronicle sheet that indicates her character is between subtiers (for example, if she runs a Tier 1–5 scenario but gives a 3rd-level character the Chronicle sheet), she must always receive the Out-of-Subtier gold value.

Silver Crusade 2/5

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What about the other awards like the items or boons?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Guide to Organized Play pg37 wrote:
The GM may select any special boons bestowed by a Chronicle sheet, such as free magical treasure, regional boons, or future bonus die rolls. The GM does not get a Day Job check.

Silver Crusade 2/5

That doesn't answer the question for items.

Dark Archive 2/5

You get the items available for the subtier you applied the credit too.

If you apply the credit to a level 2 PC, you get tier 1-2 gold & items.

Grand Lodge 5/5

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Guide to Organized Play pg37 wrote:
The GM may select any special boons bestowed by a Chronicle sheet, such as free magical treasure, regional boons, or future bonus die rolls. The GM does not get a Day Job check.

Well that seems to imply that you get everything on the chronicle regardless of the level of the character applied to. Conspicuously missing from that sentence (and the paragraph it appears in) are any words indicating "appropriate to the level of the character applied to."

Grand Lodge 4/5

Boons are not usually placed in the sub-tier blocks, and are available to all tiers.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Nebten wrote:

You get the items available for the subtier you applied the credit too.

If you apply the credit to a level 2 PC, you get tier 1-2 gold & items.

That part is obvious and not what I was asking. What if the PC I apply the credit to is level 3 and the scenario has subtiers 1-2 and 4-5? Can I get the tier 4-5 items?

Grand Lodge 4/5


Silver Crusade 2/5

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Where does it say that in the Organized Play document? Could you please quote it for me and give the page number and subheading where it appears?

Grand Lodge 4/5

If you see anywhere in here where it states 'GM credit grants access to all items on the chronicle sheet' I will gladly start following that rule for all of my GM credits henceforth.

pg35 wrote:
Step 7: Cross out any treasure items the party didn’t find in the scenario and mark any special boons the players did or did not earn (U); additionally, if you’re running the lower subtier, always cross out all of the items listed for the higher subtier. Return the Chronicle sheet to the player.
pg37 wrote:

In Pathfinder Society Organized Play, we reward GMs for volunteering their time to run events. Starting with Version 2.2 of this document (and not retroactive to any previous scenarios that were run), any GM who runs a scenario gets full credit for that scenario applied to one of her own characters. “Full credit” means the GM gets the following: 1 XP for the scenario, 100% of the Max Gold for the subtier most appropriate to the GM’s PC, and 2 PP (or, for a slow advancement track character, 1/2 XP, 1 PP, and 50% of the Max Gold for the subtier most appropriate to the GM’s PC).

The GM may select any special boons bestowed by a Chronicle sheet, such as free magical treasure, regional boons, or future bonus die rolls. The GM does not get a Day Job check. If the GM previously received partial credit on a Chronicle sheet for a scenario she ran (using the old reward system), she must keep the partial credit and cannot run the scenario again for full credit on a second Chronicle sheet.
Additionally, there is limited replay allowed depending on the number of GM stars earned (see page 20).
The subtier for which a GM’s character receives credit depends on the character’s level. If a GM with a 1st-level rogue runs a Tier 1–5 scenario using Subtier 1–2, she takes a Subtier 1–2 Chronicle sheet for her 1st-level rogue. If she instead runs a Tier 1–5 scenario using Subtier 4–5, she still takes a Subtier 1–2 Chronicle sheet, as her PC clearly falls within the lower subtier.
If the GM with a low-level character runs any higher tier scenarios that don’t include a subtier for her 1st-level rogue, she takes the lowest subtier Chronicle sheet from that scenario and holds it for her PC. Then, once her PC achieves the appropriate level for that Chronicle sheet, it is immediately applied. For example, if a GM with a 1st-level rogue runs a Tier 5–9 scenario, she would take a Subtier 5–6 Chronicle sheet (the lowest subtier for that tier) for running the scenario and set it aside. Once her rogue reaches 5th level, she can immediately apply the Chronicle sheet to her character. This means that GMs’ characters can potentially level up in bursts.
Should a GM receive a Chronicle sheet that indicates her character is between subtiers (for example, if she runs a Tier 1–5 scenario but gives a 3rd-level character the Chronicle sheet), she must always receive the Out-of-Subtier gold value. This rule is meant to balance the fact that the GM’s character doesn’t have to expend any resources or risk death while gaining a Chronicle sheet for running a scenario.
When you choose to take a Chronicle sheet for GM credit, you must decide which of your characters receives the Chronicle sheet when you fill out the tracking sheet for that table. You must apply Chronicle sheets in the order they are received. The only exception is when you hold a higher-tier Chronicle for a lower-tier character. In either case, you do not need to build the character until you actually play it.

Silver Crusade 2/5

TriOmegaZero wrote:

If you see anywhere in here where it states 'GM credit grants access to all items on the chronicle sheet' I will gladly start following that rule for all of my GM credits henceforth.

If you see anywhere in here where it states 'GM credit grants access only to the lower tier items on the chronicle sheet' I will gladly start following that rule for all of my GM credits henceforth.

Can you quote me only the part in there where that is specifically stated? I don't seem to be finding it. You must know where it is given your unqualified, "No." answer above.

Sczarni 4/5

Vosemitemike, maybe you should check it out yourself. TriOmegaZero already gave you four correct answers (to my understanding).

Silver Crusade 2/5

I have checked it out myself. I checked it out myself before posting. I see nothing concrete to support that last answer in anything he posted or in anything I read in the Organized Play document. There isn't anything in any of the stuff he quoted. If you know specifically where it says that, please quote it here.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

yosemitemike, I think that the intent is clear with the following phrase "takes the lowest subtier Chronicle sheet from that scenario".

The lowest subtier chronicle sheet has the higher level sub-tier magic items crossed off, as per " if you’re running the lower subtier, always cross out all of the items listed for the higher subtier".

Grand Lodge 4/5

yosemitemike wrote:
Can you quote me only the part in there where that is specifically stated? I don't seem to be finding it. You must know where it is given your unqualified, "No." answer above.

" additionally, if you’re running the lower subtier, always cross out all of the items listed for the higher subtier."

If you look under GM rewards, it says nothing about GMs getting access to items on the chronicle sheets. Since you cannot do something if the guide does not tell you to, you cannot take the 4-5 sub-tier items on a 3rd level character.

Now if you want to say 'it doesn't say GMs don't get all the items' I will point out that it doesn't say the GM gets ANY items, so if you want to be strict you have to cross out ALL items from ALL sub-tiers when you apply GM credit. Unless you can show me a rule otherwise?

Silver Crusade 2/5

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That quote is for filling out chronicle sheets for players, not GM credit. That's what I do on a player's chronicle sheet. It does not refer to GM credit. It isn't applicable. The subtier the scenario was run out and what the GM character gets are explicitly unrelated. All that matters is the level of the character I am applying the credit to. The subtier I ran it at is irrelevant.

I haven't seen anywhere in the guide anything that says "you can not do something if the guide does not tell you to" either. That may be your opinion on how things should be run but I have seen no general statement of that principle from Paizo. Unless you are actually saying that the GM's character gets no items at all, this principle is applied inconsistently and arbitrarily based on nothing but your own opinion in any case.

So this is just your opinion on how it ought to be and isn't actually directly supported by anything from Paizo? That's fine but don't pretend it's something else.

Does anyone have an official answer supported by an actually applicable quote or official clarification?

Grand Lodge 4/5

yosemitemike wrote:
That quote is for filling out chronicle sheets for players, not GM credit. That's what I do on a player's chronicle sheet. It does not refer to GM credit.

Exactly. I included it as a demonstration between the wording for handling player credit and handling GM credit.


“Full credit” means the GM gets the following: 1 XP for the scenario, 100% of the Max Gold for the subtier most appropriate to the GM’s PC, and 2 PP (or, for a slow advancement track character, 1/2 XP, 1 PP, and 50% of the Max Gold for the subtier most appropriate to the GM’s PC).

The GM may select any special boons bestowed by a Chronicle sheet, such as free magical treasure, regional boons, or future bonus die rolls. The GM does not get a Day Job check.

You'll note that "Full credit" is NOT defined to include item lists on chronicles. (You yourself admitted that it does not say anything about items.) Can show me a rule you feel assigns items to GM credit chronicles, or a messageboard clarification stating the same?

Silver Crusade 2/5

None of that actually answers or addresses this question. The quote on handling player credit is simply irrelevant and inapplicable since it talks about the subtier the scenario was run at which is explicitly irrelevant to GM credit. It's simply inapplicable and irrelevant.

You are the one saying that the character definitely wouldn't be able to get those items. Burden of proof is on you, not me. I don't have to disprove what you claim. You have to prove it.

It does say that the GM character does not get a day shop check explicitly but does not say that the GM character does not get items. that implies an omission more that it implies that GM characters don't get items at all. That doesn't actually logically follow unless you include an additional principle that isn't stated anywhere in the document. If that principle actually applied, the part about day job checks would not be needed at all. They could simply be left unmentioned which would mean that you don't get one since it doesn't say you do. Clearly that principle doesn't actually apply here.

So are you saying GM characters do not get any items at all? From any tier? That is where your argument logically ends. Are you saying that? I have never seen anything of the sort stated or implied anywhere by anyone from Paizo ever. Considering the apparent intent of giving GM credit, I very much doubt it is the case at all. It would be a disincentive to GM which is entirely inconsistent with the apparent intent of giving GMs "full credit" in the first place.

So the real answer is that the Organized Play document doesn't say.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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yosemitemike wrote:
So the real answer is that the Organized Play document doesn't say.

And if the rules don't say, what do we do?

It sounds like you think a GM applying a credit to a 1st level PC gets all the items, even the 4-5 ones.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Did the previous version specifically address this? If it did and there isn't any change mentioned in the change log, then that rule would still apply. If it didn't, then everyone will just have to do what they think is reasonable until we get a clarification.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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It did.

Version 4.3 wrote:

Should a GM receive a Chronicle sheet that indicates her character is between subtiers (for example, if she runs a Tier 1–5 scenario with Subtiers

1–2 and 4–5 but has a 3rd-level character), she must always play down, taking a Chronicle sheet for the lower subtier. This rule is meant to balance the fact that the GM’s character does not have to expend any resources or risk death while gaining a Chronicle sheet for running a scenario.
Version 5.0 wrote:
Should a GM receive a Chronicle sheet that indicates her character is between subtiers (for example, if she runs a Tier 1–5 scenario but gives a 3rd-level character the Chronicle sheet), she must always receive the Out-of-Subtier gold value. This rule is meant to balance the fact that the GM’s character doesn’t have to expend any resources or risk death while gaining a Chronicle sheet for running a scenario.

Scarab Sages 4/5

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I think we sometimes we try to put partitions in where they don't belong. It is not always the intent for each sentence to be a complete and wholly contained rule, there is a paragraph, a section, a chapter, and a document, that sentence is part of, and it may reference directly or indirectly.

I think the intent is obvious and clear. The GM gets awards appropriate for the character level the chronicle is being assigned to, regardless of Tier played. The lack of the word "items" in the sentence does not in any way disguise the intent, in my opinion.

Perhaps a better question might be...
Why would you think a character should or would get items from a higher Tier? is there any indication or precedent to make that assumption? Have you ever had a character earn tier 4-5 rewards when playing in tier 1-2? It would seem to me the idea of getting rewards outside of a played tier (or character level appropriate tier) is the one that would need a precedent, not the other way around.

Silver Crusade 2/5

TriOmegaZero wrote:
yosemitemike wrote:
It sounds like you think a GM applying a credit to a 1st level PC gets all the items, even the 4-5 ones.

That bears no resemblance to anything I have posted.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Version 4.3 wrote:

Should a GM receive a Chronicle sheet that indicates her character is between subtiers (for example, if she runs a Tier 1–5 scenario with Subtiers

1–2 and 4–5 but has a 3rd-level character), she must always play down, taking a Chronicle sheet for the lower subtier. This rule is meant to balance the fact that the GM’s character does not have to expend any resources or risk death while gaining a Chronicle sheet for running a scenario.
Version 5.0 wrote:
Should a GM receive a Chronicle sheet that indicates her character is between subtiers (for example, if she runs a Tier 1–5 scenario but gives a 3rd-level character the Chronicle sheet), she must always receive the Out-of-Subtier gold value. This rule is meant to balance the fact that the GM’s character doesn’t have to expend any resources or risk death while gaining a Chronicle sheet for running a scenario.

The reference to playing down and taking the chronicle sheet for the lower tier has been removed but that's as close as I have seen to a definite, official statement.

Brett Cochran wrote:

Perhaps a better question might be...

Why would you think a character should or would get items from a higher Tier? is there any indication or precedent to make that assumption?

Read what I posted again. I never said this.

Brett Cochran wrote:

Have you ever had a character earn tier 4-5 rewards when playing in tier 1-2? It would seem to me the idea of getting rewards outside of a played tier (or character level appropriate tier) is the one that would need a precedent, not the other way around.

Player credit is irrelevant here. What I have earned while playing is irrelevant.

What exactly does charater level appropriate tier even mean? If my character is level 3 and gets cedit for a scenario that has 1-2 and 4-5 subtiers how exactly do you decide what the "level appropriate tier" is?

Played tier is entirely irrelevant since we are talking about GM credit only which explcitly has nothing whatsoever to do with played tier. Character level appropriate tier doesn't actually mean anything in this context. You may as well write 'ye goodly amount of gold and right treasure". It means about the same thing.

Silver Crusade

I argue that this argument will be made all Throughout PFS. Leading to possible improper rulings on the level 3 GM credit regarding items in a 1-2 4-5 game they ran. In favor of or against. Thusly creating a slight imbalance In PFS. Due to the fact some have access to some items and some dont. Mind you this would only apply to a small number of people. Mainly GM's with 3rd, 6th, 9th level characters.
With that in mind I suggest this thread get pushed for a Possible Errata, if nothing short of a official ruling, regarding this Problem. Despite its Minority. I only bring this up because I had asked this very question today to one of our local Veterans and "Rules Buff". Of which he gave the Ruling in favor of the level 3 character receiving the 4-5 tier items for the GM Credit.

Sczarni 4/5

This isn't even an argument. It's common sense to use that GM get's same or at the very least similar (without Day Job) chronicle as player.

This is word stretching, nothing else.

Silver Crusade

Malag wrote:

This isn't even an argument. It's common sense to use that GM get's same or at the very least similar (without Day Job) chronicle as player.

This is word stretching, nothing else.

Still doesnt change the fact, that In this very thread, two different Opinions where made regarding this Issue and that this will continue outside this Thread leading to my before mentioned "Argument".

Grand Lodge 4/5

yosemitemike wrote:
What exactly does charater level appropriate tier even mean? If my character is level 3 and gets cedit for a scenario that has 1-2 and 4-5 subtiers how exactly do you decide what the "level appropriate tier" is?

You consider which tier the character actually qualifies for. Since there isn't a Level 3 Tier, you can't assign the rewards from that to the character. So unless you can justify one of the actual tiers as being appropriate, they get nothing.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
yosemitemike wrote:
What exactly does charater level appropriate tier even mean? If my character is level 3 and gets cedit for a scenario that has 1-2 and 4-5 subtiers how exactly do you decide what the "level appropriate tier" is?
You consider which tier the character actually qualifies for. Since there isn't a Level 3 Tier, you can't assign the rewards from that to the character. So unless you can justify one of the actual tiers as being appropriate, they get nothing.

Previously if the GM credit is given to a character in between subtiers, that character would be treated as if they had played down receiving the gold and items for the lower subtier since the GM's character assumed no risk and did not have to use any consumables. The introduction of the Out of Subtier gold value should not have changed anything else about how GM credit is applied to a character in between subtiers. Unless I am wrong, the way GM credit for characters between subtiers was awarded (before Guide 5.0) has been around since Season 3?

Personally I will continue, as I had planned with the introduction of the Out of Subtier gold value, to apply GM credit to any of my characters in between subtiers with the Out of Subtier gold value and the items at the lower subtier and instruct the GMs that run out of the FLGS that I coordinate PFS at to do the same. If I am wrong in that thinking, it is my hope that a VO will bring this to my attention so I can insure that GMs that help me at my FLGS are rewarded appropriately for giving their time to run games. I understand that this is not written in the current guide but if GM credit being applied as if they played down regardless of what subtier the scenario was played at has been going on since Season 3, would it not stand to reason that the only difference would be that the GM credit gold for being in between subtiers is now the Out of Subtier gold value instead of the lower subtier. Items would still be awarded as if the character played down.

Grand Lodge 4/5


Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

TriOmegaZero wrote:

I was worried that my post would not make sense or would be confusing. I am just trying to back the common sense approach before a ruling comes down for the elimination of GM credit all together. Thanks.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Meh, I've been thinking of foregoing GM credit altogether, so it wouldn't bother me. I'd rather it not be against everyone however.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Malag wrote:

This isn't even an argument. It's common sense to use that GM get's same or at the very least similar (without Day Job) chronicle as player.

That's directly at odds with what it actually says. If I run subtier 4-5 and apply the credit to my level 1 character, I get a tier 1-2 chronicle sheet not a tier 4-5 one. If I run it at tier 1-2 and apply it to my level 5 character, I get tier 4-5 not tier 1-2. What my character gets is entirely based on that character's level and explicitly not connected to the subtier I ran the scenario at or what the players got *in any way whatsoever*. This point is very clear. I wish people would stop saying that the two things are connected when they very explicitly are not.

Mars Roma wrote:

Still doesnt change the fact, that In this very thread, two different Opinions where made

That is not the case. Read it again. A question was asked. An opinion was stated. Backing for that position was asked for. I stated no definite opinion because I could find nothing to back any definite position in the document I have.

TriOmegaZero wrote:

You consider which tier the character actually qualifies for. Since there isn't a Level 3 Tier, you can't assign the rewards from that to the character. So unless you can justify one of the actual tiers as being appropriate, they get nothing.

That is very obviously not the intent.

Preston Hudson wrote:

Previously if the GM credit is given to a character in between subtiers, that character would be treated as if they had played down receiving the gold and items for the lower subtier since the GM's character assumed no risk and did not have to use any consumables. The introduction of the Out of Subtier gold value should not have changed anything else about how GM credit is applied to a character in between subtiers. Unless I am wrong, the way GM credit for characters between subtiers was awarded (before Guide 5.0) has been around since Season 3?

That's not an unreasonable guess but it is a guess and requires reading a version of the Organized Play document which is no longer available from Paizo.

Grand Lodge 4/5

yosemitemike wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:

You consider which tier the character actually qualifies for. Since there isn't a Level 3 Tier, you can't assign the rewards from that to the character. So unless you can justify one of the actual tiers as being appropriate, they get nothing.
That is very obviously not the intent.

Obviously! So we look at the two remaining sub-tiers and determine which may be appropriate for a 3rd level character. Since sub-tier 4-5 is higher than level 3, it may contain rewards that are not appropriate for a 3rd level character. Sub-tier 1-2 is lower than level three and only contains items appropriate for 1st and 2nd level characters, which must also be appropriate for 3rd level characters to have. Thus, sub-tier 1-2 is level appropriate for 3rd level characters.

I'm anticipating a response of 'those aren't 3rd level rewards'. If you think that, I would ask what changed between 2nd and 3rd level that they are no longer appropriate? Do 3rd level characters not use those items anymore?

Silver Crusade 2/5

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Obviously! So we look at the two remaining sub-tiers and determine which may be appropriate for a 3rd level character. Since sub-tier 4-5 is higher than level 3, it may contain rewards that are not appropriate for a 3rd level character. Sub-tier 1-2 is lower than level three and only contains items appropriate for 1st and 2nd level characters, which must also be appropriate for 3rd level characters to have. Thus, sub-tier 1-2 is level appropriate for 3rd level characters.

I'm anticipating a response of 'those aren't 3rd level rewards'. If you think that, I would ask what changed between 2nd and 3rd level that they are no longer appropriate? Do 3rd level characters not use those items anymore?

I could just as easily argue that giving level 3 characters awards appropriate to level 1 and 2 characters means that they will be behind the curve and lacking the expected equipment when they hit level 4. There is an expected level of wealth and items as well as character abilities based on level.

The problem with arguing based on what is or is not appropriate is that the word appropriate has no specific meaning in this sort of context. It means whatever the person using it thinks it means or wants it to mean. I could just as easily argue that it is not appropriate to under-gear the characters by sticking them with gear meant for lower levels as I could argue that it is not appropriate to over-gear them by giving them items meant for higher levels.

Saying to take the appropriate items is seriously about as meaningful as saying to take "ye goodly amount" or "ye right quantity". The phrase "appropriate subtier" has no actual definition. Appropriateness standard are too undefined and subject to subjective interpretation to be of any use at all. Saying "appropriate subtier" is really just saying "subtier I think is appropriate".

What has changed between second and third levels? The same thing that changes between third and fourth levels or between any two levels. The character is a bit stronger and is expected to have more wealth and better items to fight the higher CR and more dangerous enemies they will be expected to face. It's the same thing that happens when characters increase in level in any level based system.

Grand Lodge 4/5

yosemitemike wrote:
I could just as easily argue that giving level 3 characters awards appropriate to level 1 and 2 characters means that they will be behind the curve and lacking the expected equipment when they hit level 4. There is an expected level of wealth and items as well as character abilities based on level.

And thus they have come up with the Out of Subtier gold to correct that.

However, items listed are not actually granted to the character. It simply opens up some items the character may not be able to afford via Fame yet. So it actually does not affect the level of wealth, only access.

Silver Crusade 2/5

TriOmegaZero wrote:
yosemitemike wrote:
I could just as easily argue that giving level 3 characters awards appropriate to level 1 and 2 characters means that they will be behind the curve and lacking the expected equipment when they hit level 4. There is an expected level of wealth and items as well as character abilities based on level.

And thus they have come up with the Out of Subtier gold to correct that.

However, items listed are not actually granted to the character. It simply opens up some items the character may not be able to afford via Fame yet. So it actually does not affect the level of wealth, only access.

The existence of out of subtier gold is irrelevant here since there is no equivalent out of subtier item list.

If fame is really the limiting factor, then letting a level 3 character take any item on the sheet would make no difference at all since that character could only take items their fame level allowed them to take regardless of what subtier sheet they got. That's an argument for letting them take items from the higher tier if they have the fame to be able to get them, not the other way around. If that held true, it would be an argument for getting rid of items by subtier entirely and letting players take from any of the lists. It doesn't really hold up though. Here's the 4-5 subtier list from the last scenario I ran: Echoes of the Overwatched.

amulet of natural armor +1 (2,000 gp)
lesser elemental metamagic wand, cold (3,000 gp; Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 294)
wand of protection from arrows (8 charges; 720 gp, limit 1)

3 items including a very useful amulet. None are over 3.000 gp. A third level character could easily have enough fame to get it after that scenario was over even if that was their first scenario at level 3. Characters commonly have 14 fame at that point and getting a 3,000 gp item only requires 13. Gold shouldn't be an insurmountable obstacle either since out of subtier gold for that scenario alone could be as much as 1,168 gp added to what they already have.

Having access to the item (and possibly having it and being able to use it) is the point. If possible access to the item isn't important, then the idea of different lists of items by subtier is nonsense in the first place. Clearly that isn't the case or at least Paizo doesn't think it is. Characters are expected to have a certain level of item as well as gold. Magic items are an expected part of a character's capability according to level. Low magic settings for 3.X where magic items are scarce where magic was scarce like Midnight had to add new character abilities to make up for lack of the expected magic items.

If I don't have access to the item, I can't have it. if I can't have it, I can't use it. If I can't use it, my character isn't as capable as it is expected to be. If this wasn't a factor, it would not be necessary to have different items for different subtiers at all.

Grand Lodge 4/5

yosemitemike wrote:
The existence of out of subtier gold is irrelevant here since there is no equivalent out of subtier item list.

Then you agree that without such a list, we must determine which of the two actual lists is appropriate, or grant neither list?

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5

Hey, yosemitemike, did you know the rules also don't state that the dice you use have to have a different number on each side? Heck, it doesn't even say the numbers have to be a number between 1 and the max number of sides.

PRD wrote:
Whenever a roll is required, the roll is noted as “d#,” with the “#” representing the number of sides on the die. If you need to roll multiple dice of the same type, there will be a number before the “d.” For example, if you are required to roll 4d6, you should roll four six-sided dice and add the results together. Sometimes there will be a + or – after the notation, meaning that you add that number to, or subtract it from, the total results of the dice (not to each individual die rolled).

It's really not hard to fill out a chronicle sheet as a GM if there's any question: fill it out as if the character had played the scenario at their own table of imaginary characters. In order to argue that a 3rd level character should get subtier 4-5 rewards in a 1-5, you have to read the dice text as allowing dice that have the whatever numbers you want on them.

Silver Crusade 2/5

TriOmegaZero wrote:
yosemitemike wrote:
The existence of out of subtier gold is irrelevant here since there is no equivalent out of subtier item list.
Then you agree that without such a list, we must determine which of the two actual lists is appropriate, or grant neither list?

No, I don't. Saying that this or that list is or is not appropriate just doesn't mean anything. That word means whatever you think it means in this context which essentially makes it meaningless. An appropriateness standard is useless.

Mike Bohlmann wrote:

Hey, yosemitemike, did you know the rules also don't state that the dice you use have to have a different number on each side? Heck, it doesn't even say the numbers have to be a number between 1 and the max number of sides.

That argument is nonsense. Dice are standard products. They are widely available. Everyone knows what they are. Everyone knows what they are supposed to be. Everyone knows what numbers are. That example makes no sense at all and has nothing whatsoever to do with the issue at hand unless you are saying that there is a similar level of agreement on chronicle sheets and GM credits as there is on dice and how numbers are read. The two issues are not even remotely comparable.

Mike Bohlmann wrote:

It's really not hard to fill out a chronicle sheet as a GM if there's any question: fill it out as if the character had played the scenario at their own table of imaginary characters. In order to argue that a 3rd level character should get subtier 4-5 rewards in a 1-5, you have to read the dice text as allowing dice that have the whatever numbers you want on them.

Again with this. What the players got is completely and utterly irrelevant. It has no bearing at all. None. None at all. It is explicitly not connected with GM credit.

No, you don't. That argument is, to be frank, absurd.

Grand Lodge 4/5

So all you're saying then is that there is no guideline.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5

yosemitemike wrote:

Again with this. What the players got is completely and utterly irrelevant. It has no bearing at all. None. None at all. It is explicitly not connected with GM credit.

No, you don't. That argument is, to be frank, absurd.

Reread what I wrote. I didn't say the players at the table, I said his own imaginary table of other characters that fit his own most appropriate subtier. The dice example is no less absurd than your argument that there is any possible interpretation for an out of subtier GM credit to get higher subtier rewards.

Silver Crusade 2/5

TriOmegaZero wrote:
So all you're saying then is that there is no guideline.

Yes, unless you can point me to one in the current rules.

Mike Bohlmann wrote:

Reread what I wrote. I didn't say the players at the table, I said his own imaginary table of other characters that fit his own most appropriate subtier. The dice example is no less absurd than your argument that there is any possible interpretation for an out of subtier GM credit to get higher subtier rewards.

I did read it. It refers to a table of undefined players in an entirely undefined "most appropriate subtier" and ties GM rewards with what the player award would be when they are explicitly not connected in the Organized Play rules in any way.

Appropriateness is so undefined that it means whatever I want it to mean. Here's an example.

If I am level 3 playing in tier a tier 1-5 scenario, I get out of subtier gold which includes the lower tier gold and a portion of the higher tier gold. therefore it's appropriate for me to be able to get the lower tier equipment and a portion of the upper tier equipment as well. I can't buy it all since that would not be appropriate but it's appropriate for me to buy one of the items. I will now appropriately buy that amulet of natural armor for my level 3 monk with appropriate appropriateness..appropriately. What do you mean it's not appropriate? I see nothing inappropriate.

What exactly are you even proposing here? I should recalculate the APL as if that character were playing and then look at the number of people and base GM rewards on what tier we would have played at if I had been a player playing that character? Is that what you are saying? Where does that come from? If it isn't, what exactly *are* you saying?

The dice example is not even vaguely comparable. There is a commonly agreed upon standard of how dice are made and how they are read that goes well beyond PFS or the Pathfinder game or even the role-playing hobby. It arises from the basic nature of math and the shape of those polygons. There is no such commonly agreed upon standard of what "appropriate" GM credit should be. The two things are not even a little bit comparable. What GM reward a PFS GM should get and how many sides a dodecahedron has are hardly comparable in general level of agreement or factuality or anything else.

Grand Lodge 4/5

yosemitemike wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
So all you're saying then is that there is no guideline.

Yes, unless you can point me to one in the current rules.

Very well then, no argument.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5

yosemitemike wrote:
If I am level 3 playing in tier a tier 1-5 scenario, I get out of subtier gold which includes the lower tier gold and a portion of the higher tier gold. therefore it's appropriate for me to be able to get the lower tier equipment and a portion of the upper tier equipment as well.

Except there is nothing anywhere that even comes close to suggesting that would be appropriate.

Guide wrote:
The Out-of-Subtier gold value is the average of the high and low subtiers; for slow progression it is half the normal Out-of-Subtier value, rounded down."

It's not the lower tier gold plus a portion of the higher tier gold - it's the average. You are making up an interpretation just like you are trying to do with equipment subtiers. The character isn't getting the higher subtier gold reward, so why would it get the higher subtier equipment reward? There is zero reason other than the argument that the Guide doesn't say you don't get the higher subtier equipment reward.

Silver Crusade 2/5

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Very well then, no argument.

Not for saying that this or that answer is definitely the correct one anyway. At this point, I can't say that one answer or another is definitely the right one.

Mike Bohlmann wrote:

Except there is nothing anywhere that even comes close to suggesting that would be appropriate.

Suere there is. I just outlined it. It looks appropriate to me. Everything there is quite appropriately appropriate. You say it isn't appropriate. I say it is.

Guide wrote:
The Out-of-Subtier gold value is the average of the high and low subtiers; for slow progression it is half the normal Out-of-Subtier value, rounded down."
Mike Bohlmann wrote:

It's not the lower tier gold plus a portion of the higher tier gold - it's the average. You are making up an interpretation just like you are trying to do with equipment subtiers. The character isn't getting the higher subtier gold reward, so why would it get the higher subtier equipment reward?

It's a perfectly appropriate interpretation. It's full of appropriately appropriate appropriateness. What could be more appropriate than that? I am simply taking the appropriate award as is appropriate.

I'm, not making up interpreations. I'm demonstrating how malleable the definition of appropriate is and how useless it is as a standard here. I can use appropriate to mean anything I want it to mean and so can everyone else. If people are good at anything, it's justifying why what they want to do is appropriate. You may as well say that they can chose from that treasure which they are rightfully due or something similarly vague.

Mike Bohlmann wrote:

There is zero reason other than the argument that the Guide doesn't say you don't get the higher subtier equipment reward.

That's not even an argument at all. It doesn't mention equipment at all. Therefore GM characters can't get equipment from chronicle sheets at all? This has already been discussed and dealt with.

Grand Lodge 4/5

yosemitemike wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:

Very well then, no argument.
Not for saying that this or that answer is definitely the correct one anyway. At this point, I can't say that one answer or another is definitely the right one.

I can say it, but not make you agree. :)

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