For the love of God, please give us an ignore function

Website Feedback

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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Maizing wrote:

Here's an idea... instead of an "ignore" function, maybe a "hide this post" function could be added to the boards? I have found (on many boards), that often there will be one (or more) posters who will make posts that can range from thought provoking to inflammatory. In such cases, I would flag the inflammatory posts, but read (and perhaps respond to) the others.

Perhaps flagging a post could hide it? Or give the option to hide it (in case the flag was a mistake)?

Wow, that is gold! It makes me want to break out Firebug and make Ignore v5 just to add that feature!

Design Idea wrote:
1 hour, 35 minutes ago | Flag | List | Reply | Hide Post | Block User


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