Amulet of Fists.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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Then I agree with you... it's unlikely that Sajan's going to be able to add a Melee trait.

Unless someone else plays a weapon or spell to add that trait. Its only Satan who cant play weapons or attack spells.

You can't add a weapon or an attack spell to another persons check, however.

Hmm... if you discard a bow to add to a check, does it add its traits? I think it does. (Not that bows have the Melee trait)

It does, based on what we have heard so far. So again, I keep using the example of a potential weapon that is based on Dexterity that gives Melee. Sajan needs that :)

Starman up above was talking about an ally playing a weapon on your check though, which isn't allowed. At least, I think that is what he was saying...

I was referring to a character in the same location playing spell weapon(using) to add that trait or even playing an ally. Of course I meant legal play and only if such cards exist or will exist.

So basically actual or potential boons.

In short anything used to assist a check would add its traits and be subject to any skill/trait restrictions.

I think people are starting to get a little off-base on this thread. As discussed many times before the creators of this game did not want people to go rules crazy on the cards, but rather understand the purpose of the cards and play them appropriately.

Sajan's attacks are obviously melee. The options are melee, ranged, or arcane/divine spells. Just think about what he is doing. He is doing an unarmed attack in close range to another combatant. It is melee by definition of melee. Yes, maybe it is an oversight to not have spelled it out somewhere. But, I think it is pretty darn safe to assume that is Dexterity-based (because it's martial arts) combat checks are melee.

@Ogee - these threads are intended to clarify things. For example, your assumption that 'Melee' means 'non-ranged'. Unfortunately, this is NOT correct.

A Melee check is something based on the MELEE skill or which has the Melee trait added to it.

Mike has clarified this - characters like Lini that have no weapons and no MELEE skill cannot usually benefit from cards like Soldier (which only work on 'melee combat checks').

...and Sajan's DEX based combat check is NOT a 'Melee combat check' either.

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