Question about solo play

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

I have successfully completed the first solo scenario from the base set, titled "Brigadoom!" using the location "Woods". I wish to play the scenario again, using the second location "Waterfront". The card suggests that to play "Waterfront" I must also include "Woods" thereby having 2 locations in this scenario. This is certainly true for 2-6 players but is that how solo play works?

(I am defining solo play as literally playing only one character in the scenario, not controlling two or more players as their sole operator.)

Thank you for any help you can provide.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

This is incorrect. For a single character, you're supposed to use all three of the locations marked "1" on the scenario card. Thus, you have to close down two of the locations and defeat the villain in the last remaining location.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

DrSnooze is right, you made it WAY too easy on yourself by only having one location. You're not supposed to know where the villain is to start off! :-P

I'll reset and give it another go after dinner. Thanks for the information. The adventure did seem too easy.

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