Eberron Questions


Ok not sure this is the right place to ask but I am running a campaign in which I am allowing Warforged from the Eberron setting and being at work without access to my books I am trying to remember if Warforged can drink potions...

Potion of bulls strength etc.

Any help?

The Warforged in 3.5 could, if I'm remembering correctly.

They just had a reduced benefit from most Cure effects (though I guess you could just as easily make a potion of Repair X).

Short answer, yes. As Eben said, Cures don't work as well on Warforged but otherwise they can use any potion.

excellent! thanks guys

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Worst case scenario, they are forced to use oils. In my games, a potion is an oil is a potion; whichever is most advantageous to the user at the time of consumption.

i have this idea now that people have been misusing "potions" all this time. They were always intended to be oils... rubbed on the area for best effect. Some idiot just started a trend of drinking it... like drinking vasoline.

... though I generally agree with you on the versatile use of potion/oil.

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