LG Reign of Winter Journal

Campaign Journals

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Hello all,

Hope this is the correct spot to post my intro.

(In character)
I am Ryder Pavlovich and I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. During my meditations, it became clear that I must meet a group here who could use assistance on a matter of an important and immediate nature. I'm assuming, judging by the looks of you, that you are the folks I was to meet. I hope I'm not mistaken and I hope that, if you'll accept my aid, I can be of some assistance to you. {Offers his hand in a gesture of openness and goodwill}.

{Ryder is tallish for a human standing at about 6'2" with a normal build and broad shoulders. His features are striking, as if chiselled from polished marble. His eyes are a striking vibrant pale blue in a deeply tanned face. His brown hair hangs down in loose, unkempt, waves}.

(Out of Character)
Look forward to the session coming up. Hopefully I can be of aid. Here's a link to my mythweavers sheet:

Dark Archive

Awesome write up Alex as always.

Welcome our newest member to the group everyone. Will be playing a highly desirable cleric.

Going to fiat him into the campaign. Prior to all three of Baba Yaga riders being slain Ryder was one of the group who received the Red Rider Mantle. He has traveled from Irrisen to Iobaria following the group footsteps having learned from the chaos in Whitethrone that you were onto the trail of Baba Yaga herself in hope to end the eternal winter that have sprung up around Golarion.

You meet this stranger in the centaur town during your downtime.

First of all welcome to the asylum Rider, dont let Thorsen know that you can cast Bestow Curse or he will panic he is a curse magnet...

Secondly Steven I would like to purchase the following two items that are shown as available in the town:

Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 Priced at 4000 GP
Belt of Physical Might +2 Str/Dex Priced at 10000 GP
Miniature Shovel Priced at 10 GP

The second item might seem weird but it will up my ranged attacks and AC as well as improving Strength my worst statistic a little increasing carry capacity and removing negatives to melee stuff.

Once we have released Ratibor I will at that point also sell the following item:

Cookbook of Arcane Augmentation Priced at 10750 GP sale price covering the cost of the belt and leaving me 6000 GP.

I will spend that on the following items if they are available.

Lesser elemental meta-magic rod 3,000 gp Availability: 1d4 ⇒ 3 (Originally 3)
Lesser piercing meta-magic rod 3,000 gp Availability: 1d4 ⇒ 3 (Originally 3)

If the group has the funds available, and if there is a second Headband of Wisdom available, I think I'd like one for Thugar. Since that's two "iffs", I'll just roll here and await answers :). Availability: 1d4 ⇒ 1

Welcome aboard Rider

Ok final shopping

Retraining of INT(1) skill point from stealth to spellcraft : 450gp, 5 days

So final price 8660gp

the rest goes to the party

Dark Archive

Session 25 Exp

Players: Thugar, Shinigami, Ignacio, Thorsen, Ryder

Shambling Mound x2: 9600
Basidirond: 1600
Syvet: 9600
Army Ant Swarm: 1600
Denizen of Leng: 4800
Moon-Beast: 12800

Total: 40,000
Divided by 5: 8000

RIP Thugar

Dark Archive

Anyone stepping up to do a session journal?

I'm not eager about it, but I've decided not to make a replacement character for Thugar. I like my characters to have some development, and it's pretty late into the campaign already, with limited RP opportunities. It would be a dis-service to everyone concerned to drag it out and be unhappy with whatever I come up with, so I'll be leaving the campaign. I hope you all find a replacement for me to finish the AP with.

It was a good run while it lasted. Take care.

I will do the journal some time this weekend.

Dark Archive

Makarion wrote:

I'm not eager about it, but I've decided not to make a replacement character for Thugar. I like my characters to have some development, and it's pretty late into the campaign already, with limited RP opportunities. It would be a dis-service to everyone concerned to drag it out and be unhappy with whatever I come up with, so I'll be leaving the campaign. I hope you all find a replacement for me to finish the AP with.

It was a good run while it lasted. Take care.

Thanks for playing.

Dark Archive

Decrypting wrote:
I will do the journal some time this weekend.

Thanks for stepping up Alex

Makarion wrote:

I'm not eager about it, but I've decided not to make a replacement character for Thugar. I like my characters to have some development, and it's pretty late into the campaign already, with limited RP opportunities. It would be a dis-service to everyone concerned to drag it out and be unhappy with whatever I come up with, so I'll be leaving the campaign. I hope you all find a replacement for me to finish the AP with.

It was a good run while it lasted. Take care.

It was fun playing with you. Thugar was a fun dwarf to interact with and I loved your characterization on him.

Ryder's musings.

What a truly odd bunch Desna has brought me to. Odd yet strangely comfortable. If the group is odd, the goings on around this group are odder still. Imagine! A hut that magically changes configuration and even location. I must admit I was awestruck by these wonders. Desna has shown me that I have much to learn about the world outside my small temple.

But, all was not merry and wonderous. But, I get ahead of myself. Soon after making introductions, my new found companions and I returned to the hut. It seems they had some keys but were unsure what to do with them. Lacking any insight, or anything better to do, they decided to throw these magical keys into a cauldron!

I felt my body ripped through space as the hut transformed and seemingly moved to locations unknown. It was a terrifyingly disorienting experience. When I came to my senses, I saw a strange, somehow almost unreal, landscape around me. It was as if the lush forests around me - the fields and flowers and trees - were somehow painted hastily.

The group endeavored to determine our location by studying every leaf and tree. This was all rather intriguing but far beyond my comprehension. Such studies are beyond me. But, after divining little more than the fact that some plants were foreign to even these learned folk, we decided to venture out and determine our location by finding some nearby town or village,

The first sign of civilization was a strange garden with plants that attacked and nearly killed us. But our group is brave and strong. We defeated these creatures, finding seemingly valuable potions and wands in the process.

Not daunted in the least, we set off in a new direction only to come upon a glade, cleared of trees, with a strange talking cat sitting on a stump. We conversed with this cat for some time. Then it too tried to kill us. It was truly horrifying. Even the insects of the forest rose up against us.

Through all this, I became aware that Thugar, a brave and noble dwarf, was insane. Certifiably. Be attacked his own group! He hit himself repeatedly and babbled incoherently, I attempted to discern what his malady was to no avail. But more on him later.

After dispatching the cat monster, who told us we were in the hut, we continued on and came upon a building, a man met us and invited us in to speak with his master. I had misgivings but the group wanted to go on. The master turned out to be some hideous aberration no doubt evil. It and the strange man laid into us and from the beginning the fight was almost hopeless. The beast unleashed a strange magic which drove two more of the party insane! Then a thick fog filled the building limiting sight.

The battle that ensued, with three party members stark raving mad, was not pleasant. During this melee, somewhere in the thick fog, Thugar fell. When the battle ended and the fog cleared, it became evident how close we all came to death. I said a prayer to Desna. Unfortunately I do not have the power or gifts to raise fallen warriors.

I will think on all this as I meditate and hopefully Korade will give me some wisdom or enlightenment to aid in the upcoming adventures. As Desna made clear, this group did have need of me. I only wish I could have saved Thugar. His memory will live on.

OK nevermind it appears Rider did the write up.

Does anyone have a list of all the items we acquired last session please?

BTW ... Any prohibitions on crafting? Would like to take craft wonderous item at 11th lvl. Provided I live that long.

Dark Archive

hoborider wrote:
BTW ... Any prohibitions on crafting? Would like to take craft wonderous item at 11th lvl. Provided I live that long.

Go for it.

Will we be getting a fifth player to replace Patrick or will we be running the remainder of the adventure path with four?

Dark Archive

Replacement player coming next session.

Heya folks,
I'm reading through campaign notes to get a better idea where you are and where you've been before I post a description/intro. I'm loving the novel that your write-ups comprise, btw :)

Tactically, I will be playing a Rogue Scout. They tend to be more charge'y than stealth'y. I don't like getting hit, but I'm not SUPER squishy or anything. (hopefully no giants will be scraping rogue-jam from their toes)

Dark Archive

Welcome aboard. You missed all the frost giants.

Welcome to the asylum Gaetam all that we ask is please dont allow your character to get turned insane. (Inside joke, Thugar (a previous player) was made insane by the effects of a pit at the end of book three)

We are a good fun group that I am sure you will enjoy playing with and havent had a rogue since the first book so will be nice to have one for those pesky traps and locked doors that usually have caused us problems.

Very quick introduction I play Shinigami a Draconic Sorcerer who is slightly inept but tries his best. All he wants is a large pet Dragon to ride is that too much to ask for I ask you ha?

Character Sheet: http://1drv.ms/1gbshbA

Desc: Verrick Vinnar is a young (for them) Half-Elf born and raised in a Caravan Trader's family in the North. Growing up with his larger more burly brothers, Verrick learned quickly that often approaching a problem from another angle... often sneaky, even, allowed him to avoid excessive bruising and loss of pride inherent to having older and bigger brothers.

Several years ago, his fmaily's caravan was attacked by strange creatures made of ice, accompanied by Winter Wolves and Frost Giants. Durring the battle one of his brothers was greviously injured and Verrick pulled him beneath a wagon and hid with him beneath a white blanket in the snow. Once the din of battle and the screams of his family and others of the caravan ceased, he looked about to find that he and his brother were all that survived; the Winter Horde vanishing into a dense blanket of snow from a growing storm.

Knowing he couldn't remain with the ruined waggons and survive through a storm, he gathered what he could of the scattered magical goods and supplies his family traded in, and with his brother pulled behind him on a blanket he set off to seek shelter amoung some distant caves he had spotted earlier that day with his keen vision.

Unfortunately, cursing under his breath at his stupidity for not listening closer to his Gran's teachings of survival in the wilderness, Verrick didn't make it to the caves... and collapsed exhausted in the middle of the snow, numb from the piercing ice and chill of the surrounding storm. He thought his end was at hand and just before a warm sleepiness claimed his consciousness he saw a blurred figure in bright crimson approach...

An unknown time later, he awoke to find himself in a dimly lit cave in front of a warm crackling fire and wrapped in thick furs. A strange long-bearded figure sat staring at him from accross the fire, his brother no where in sight. Apparently this man... this Herald, was following the winter horde of the Ice Queen and stumbled, quite literally, on the near-frozen bodies of him and his brother. His brother and only living family, much to his despair, did not survive his injuries, leaving Verrick alone with no family, trade, or purpose.

Taking Verrick under his wing, the Herald helped Verrick recover and took it upon himself to mentor this young Half-Elf. Teaching him the art of the Spear and Stealth, and other tricks and skills Verrick learned much from the Herald, but never his name. Under his tutelage, Verrick grew and filled out to surpass even his brothers' burliness. Unfortunately, spending so much time with only one person somewhat stunted his social development, making for a very blunt and somewhat unfiltered personality.

Years later, the Herald at last fell in battle in pursuit of his mistress the Witch Queen, Baba Yaga. Determined to revenge himself upon the Ice Queen for stealing yet another person from his life, Verrick took up his mentors Crimson Mantle and vowed to see his quest completed, and to see the Ice Queen deposed.

At some point in his journey, Verrick fell victim to the insidious flaura of the strange area you found him in. Here, he was locked away for months, with his gear stripped save a single magical ring to sustain him. Quickly he found he had become the favorite target of that damnably devilish talking cat. While his rings sustains him, the lack of any real food or water, tight confines, and lack of appreciable company have driven him nearly to the very brink of insanity.

Well met! And we will try our best to keep you from becoming giant toe jam.

But ...

Wait wait ... what was that last bit in your post about insanity!?!?

ZOMG! Why won't the jello butterflies stop blowing soap bubbles in my belly button! Someone find Waldo! Quick!

Intro Retcon:

Remove the chunk about falling victim.

"At some point in his journey, Verrick fell victim to the insidious flaura of the strange area you found him in. Here, he was locked away for months, with his gear stripped save a single magical ring to sustain him. Quickly he found he had become the favorite target of that damnably devilish talking cat. While his rings sustains him, the lack of any real food or water, tight confines, and lack of appreciable company have driven him nearly to the very brink of insanity."

nuh- uh... didn't happen. No sir'ee Bob, no cats or insanity here.

Dark Archive

Habit of the Winter Explorer

Aura faint abjuration and transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot body; Price 13,380 gp; Weight 7 lbs.
This warm outfit consists of a woolen coat and pants, boots, gloves, and a heavy fur cloak with a leather hood. The habit of the winter explorer provides a constant endure elements effect in cold weather (it has no effect in warm weather), and the wearer gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against magic cold effects and spells with the cold descriptor.

When the hood of the habit is drawn up around the head, the wearer’s eyes turn a piercing sky blue color. The wearer becomes immune to snow blindness and gains the ability to see through natural or magical fog, sleet, snow, and other similar weather conditions with a range of 60 feet.

The habit of the winter explorer also grants its wearer a +4 competence bonus on Stealth checks made in cold weather (temperatures below 40° F). In addition, once per day in cold weather, the wearer may turn invisible for 3 rounds as the vanish spell (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 253).

All pieces of the habit of the winter explorer must be worn for the item to function.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, endure elements, resist energy, vanishAPG; Cost 6,690 gp

Dark Archive

15,000 GP
SLOT none CL 11th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA moderate conjuration and transmutation
This figurine of wondrous power is
similar to a silver raven, but it can be
used to send messages across the
planes. On command, the figurine
turns into a raven (retaining its
stone-like consistency, which gives
it hardness 8). Another command sends it off into the air,
bearing a message as the sending spell (with no chance of
the message not arriving). The recipient of the message can
then use the obsidian raven to plane shift (self only) to the
plane from which the message was sent. The figurine can
be used in this way once per day. If not commanded to carry
a message, the raven obeys the commands of its owner,
although it has no special abilities, and it can maintain its
non-figurine status for 24 hours per week (the duration
need not be continuous).
Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, plane shift, sending

Dark Archive

Session 26 Exp

Rescue the Planar Merchant: 9600
Jolly Jellies x2: 3200
Frost Drakes x3: 9600
Large Bear Trap: 800
Befriend Dragonrider: 12800

Players: Verrick, Ignacio, Thorsen, Ryder, Shinigami

Total: 36000
Divided by 5: 7200

Dark Archive

Some Tales from the Book You Found.

From the ashes and chaos of the War of Heroes, a union emerged, Dragonkin and Triaxians banding together with righteous dragons to stand guard against the wicked tyranny of the Drakelands. From the windswept Parapets—mountains said to have sprung up from the corpses of the Great Ones, that they might continue to guard their comrades even in death—the dragons and dragonriders of the Skyfire mandate continue their ancient alliance. Theirs is a bond of trust, honor, and friendship—and should it ever falter, all the lands of Triaxus shall fall beneath the drakelands’ lash.

In the beginning, there were only the dragonkin and the drakes. Then came the Others—those who called themselves the true dragons. Unlike anything the world had seen before, they battled each other for dominance, carving whole continents into fell empires. Not all were evil—the bold metallics fought back against their terrible cousins, joining with native defenders. Thus began the War of Heroes. Yet though the alliance emerged victorious, it was only through great sacrifice, after which many of the heroic dragons who still survived departed to unknown lands.

Ryder spends the night in the cave in quiet contemplation and meditation, seeking enlightenment from Korada on the clues in the hut. One clue is seemingly answered for us. The other is still an enigma.

An elephant tusk and a hand-mirror dropped on a bearskin.

OOC: If there is a specific spell/buff you want me to prep each day, let me know. Here's what I've got normally day-to-day:

Create Water
Purify Food and Drink
Resistance (always on btw - just continuously recast every minute)

Shield of Faith
*Longstrider (cast on myself everyday)

Bear's Endurance or Bull's Strength **would replace Shield Other - see below**
Protection From Evil, Communal
Restoration, Lesser
Shield Other - probably going to drop this don't have the HP to support multiple large hits
Spiritual Weapon
*Remove Disease

Dispel Magic
Invisibility Purge
Magic Vestment (cast on myself everyday)
Resist Energy, Communal

Blessing of Fervor
Magic Weapon, Greater (cast on myself everyday)
Summon Monster IV
*Neutralize Poison

As we left our adventurers they were just done with seeing off Thugar after he fell to the Denizen of Leng finishing him off as he was dying on the floor. Scouting the immediate area the party came across a room to the South containing several jugs of apparent;y fresh water which the party refilled their water-skins from and the most interesting inhabitant a elven male tied up in one of the corners. The party approached and after freeing him engaged him in conversation finding out that he had been there for an unknown length of time and that he had a hatred for the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing that they had encountered earlier. It was about now that Ryder noticed that the Northern room had a fireplace that had not appeared to have been used in a long time and seemed to have a set of ladders heading upwards hidden within it. Shinigami was the first one to climb up and once he told the party that the room above was clear he was joined by first Thorsen, then the remainder of the party. Whilst Ryder, Verrick and Ignacio spent their time searching around the room Thorsen and Shinigami headed off to the hidden Library to investigate where they were currently located in the world. It took them several hours of study but using the geography they had seen from outside the hut and location of the sun in the sky Thorsen was able to determine that they were no longer on Golarion and where in fact now on a planet called Traxius. Whilst Thorsen continued to read up on their current location Shinigami returned to the party a confused and worried look in his eyes. The party all regrouped in the main room in the hut and as Thorsen was informing the group of what he had learned Shinigami was investigating first the items they had found in the room and then his gaze moved back to the large gem they had found on the Denizen of Leng and the humanoid looking creature inside it. Placing it in a small bag Shinigami stamped on it to break it to pieces and release the captive soul. No sooner was the gem broken than a large blue skinned tall creature appeared that Shinigami immediately recognized as a Mercane who introduced himself as Zaraat and went about thanking the party for releasing him. Under questioning from Ignacio and the rest of the party he told them a little of the planet that they were now on and finally offered Ignacio an Obsidian Raven that he could use as any time to call upon him should they have magical items that they wished to buy or sell. With that said he went off to spend time with his wife and children whom he hadn't seen in a very long time, the party wished him a safe journey and upon his leaving they rested up regaining their strength before venturing out into the cold, frozen wastes of Traxius.

The area surrounding the hut was devoid of much except snow but one thing caught the eye of Ryder and Thorsen, tot he North their was a small ruin and they headed off, Ryder investigating the area first and reporting back several minutes later before both he, Thorsen and the rest of the party headed into the ruin, as they approached a large partially sealed well towards some bones in one corner of the ruin they were surprised to see two pink looking Oozes exit the well and begin attacking the party, Shinigami who had stayed behind a little used several fireballs that he imbued with the cold elemental magic from a new rod he had appropriated from the Centaur village back in Iobaria. The Oozes where rather quickly dealt with and Ryder investigated the humanoid looking bones and found a large book written in Draconic which was promptly handed to Shinigami to keep and read through later. It was about this time that Thorsen spotted a strange sight to the West, a Dragon-kin type creature with a humanoid rider flying high and circling the party. Shinigami tried to shout a greeting out to it in Draconic but it either didn't hear or understand as it flew away heading to the West. The party decided that they were going to follow it and headed off in the same direction lead by Thorsen and Ryder one watching the sky and the other watching the snow and ice covered ground...

It was several hours later that they approached a slightly more rocky mountainous area that they were quickly surrounded by three blue tinted flying Dragon creatures they recognized as Frost Drakes. Ryder trying to vanish into the shadows as the rest of the party engaged them in battle fire flying from Shinigami and Thorsen, whilst the Drakes through back ice and melee attacks, Verrick and Ryder and Ignacio all engaging in more hand to hand style combat with the large blue Frost Drakes. It took several minutes but one by one the Drakes fell under the barrage of steel, arrow and flame. It was at this time that Thorsen noticed the Red Dragon-kin he had spotted earlier was circling them again still a distance off to the West of them as if leading them somewhere. The party began heading West again as they discussed the creatures intentions several of the party feeling the creature had something to do with the Frost Drakes but Shinigami who had a slightly deeper understanding of things of a Draconic nature and remembering the words of Zaraat realizing that they were on opposing sides of the war that had been raging for generations.

It was several hours later that the party as they were still trudging to the West encountered the creature again... This time it appeared to be more bold and actually landed nearby them, Shinigami remembering the parties distrust and assuming that he was the only one that could speak Draconic called out a greeting to the Dragon-kins Rider and engaged her in conversation informing her of the parties reasoning for being here and trying to ease her worries about their intentions as well as translating everything to the rest of the party, one thing of great interest that as mentioned was that she was headed to a fortress called Spurhorn, this immediately made Shinigami realise that it had something to do with one of the keys that they were after and he asked about anything she may know of two headed eagles related to there. After several more minutes of conversation the party had offered to meet the commander of the fortress and offer their assistance. Bescaley flew off to the fortress to inform them of the newcomers arrival and drew out a map of the area for the party before leaving warning them of some invisible creatures as well as telling them of the current local situation.

The party continued heading West and as it began to become night they followed a bloody trail North a little way bypassing a large looking bear trap and found their way to a cave to stay the night in after setting up several traps and warning systems they settled in for the night and Shinigami began reading through the book they had found on the skeleton as night moved in.

How will the party be received at Spurhorn, will they find the hut keys, will Shinigami find his Dragon Companion here after all, Dragons, dragons and dragons, Shinigami feels right at home here...

Dark Archive

This weeks game is canceled. Work obligation going to have me running late Wednesday. Will resume following week.

Twentieth First Session:
Cloak of Resistance +2
Large broken leather armor
huge leather belt with 6 human skulls on it.
Ring of Sustenance
warhammer +1
Magical cook book
great club +1
potion of cure serious wounds x2

Twentieth Second Session:
Few changes of clothes
scroll of age resistance
oak container
javelin of lightning
+1 light crossbow
10 fire bolt
10 acid bolts
Masterwork Scale mail
potion of cure light wounds
potion of cure moderate
creeping breastplate +2
wand of lighting bolt 10 charges
Alchemist Kit
3 masterwork blowguns
3 dose of concentrated shadow essence

Twentieth Third Session:
Devil's dung
Masterwork Kukri
Masterwork Spear
amulet of natural armor +1
handy haversack
battleaxe +1
masterwork morning stars x2

Twentieth Fourth Session:
unholy of Mestama
phylactery of negative channeling
potion of protection from arrow
bejeweled skull(Hag that was the woman we helped.)
piton x2
warhammer +2
belt of mighty constitution +2
masterwork breastplate
potions of cure serious wound x2
periapt of health

Twentieth Fifth Session:
4 Polish defoliant
2 wands of plant growth 9 charges
wands of speak with plant 12 charges
4 Oils of good berry
6 Flasks of defoliant
15 small rubies
1 large ruby(Soul in it.)
Eye of the Void.

Twentieth Sixth Session:
4 vials
Habit of the Winter Explorer
Obsidian Raven

Twentieth Seventh Session:
masterwork Glaive
necklace of fireballs type 2
potion of cure serious wounds
scroll of dimension door
scrolls of whispering wind
cloak of resistance +2
ring of protection + 1
bolts x20
heavy mace
masterwork heavy crossbow.
Rock of light

Dark Archive

Session 27 Experience

Drakeland Dragonkin: 6400
Drakeland Sorcerer: 6400
Environmental hazards: 9600
Greater Ceustodaemons x3: 9600
Oculo Swarm: 1200

Total: 33200

Divided by 5: 6640

Players: Verrick, Ignacio, Thorsen, Ryder, Shinigami

Game on tonight?

hoborider wrote:
Game on tonight?

I will be a little late tonight. Work lays better ambushes than Verrick does apparently.

As we left our adventurers they were just settling in for the night inside a shallow cave they had located in the wilderness. After setting up numerous early warning systems in place they rested with the first watch keeping a close eye on things. All was not calm during that first watch though as it was broken by a large Dragonkin and robed rider flying in and alighting near the cave. The parties peaceful nights sleep was interrupted by the insistent nudging of a silenced watcher. the parry arose and went to face this intruder. The Dragonkin taking no prisoners it blasted its breath weapon into the cave.As the party left the cave to attack the creature Ryder went into cover and took pot shots at the robed rider as Thorsen, Ignacio and Verrick went out to face the Dragonkin, Shinigami lagging back a little and using range to blast away. It took a combined effort of the party to take down the Dragonkin but not before it had done a decent amount of damage to the party almost killing Thorsen. With the Dragonkin down everyones attention was drawn back to the rider, whom it appeared was some kind of magic user.

Shinigami and he traded spells whilst the rest of the party moved in. After a hectic skirmish the robed rider fell to the party and Thorsen approached and checked the rider finding several interesting items on him. Shinigami paying close attention to the Dragonkin removed several scales from it and stored them away with the ones he had previously collected.

The party reset all traps and then settled back down to what would end up being an uneventful remainder of the night. The next morning, Shinigami checked over the map and pointed the party in the correct direction then off they headed. the fort appeared to be about half a days travel away from them and it was reasonably heavy going trekking through the thick snow that covered the ground. About half a mile out from the fort Thorsen stopped the party and motioned to an area of snow that wasn't quite the same as the rest, it was almost quicksand like and after Shinigami detected magic on it he noted a faint magical aura down in the slush. Thorsen dived in and after some work managed to reach the source of the aura a small rock that appeared to be emanating light from it. After collecting the rock it was retrieved and handed to Shinigami for safe keeping.

Several more hours of traveling brought the party to an area where to their North and South they could see the smoke of campfires, immediately they stopped and slowly headed forward trying to avoid raising the alarm they kept moving slowly until they came to a very steep vertical wall of rock and cliff, large Dragon bones littered the area as did three dead bodies and catapult like war-machines. Ryder and Verrick went to check on the bodies, something felt slightly wrong about the area, like the party were being watched. Shinigami as quietly cast a see invisibility spell and immediately spotted three large daemon type creatures that he didn't recognise. As soon as they realised that they had been spotted they attacked circling the party using some form of dimensional teleporting to get into position. After dropping a few well placed fireballs Shinigami was caught between two of the creatures and taken out of the fight through their combined efforts. As he was down and slowly bleeding out the rest of the party continued to fight valiantly taking down two of the creatures and a fourth swarm of eyes that also joined the fight. Thorsen stepped forth and healed Shinigami helping him get back into the fight. The numbers had by now become overwhelming and the remaining Daemon decided to run, teleporting away, presumably to his own plane.

The party slowly healed up and gathered themselves and Shinigami collected some of the horns of the creatures before they all headed towards the cliff-face. the fort according to the map was at the top of this cliff and using various methods including fly spells the entire party made it up to the top of the cliff and there it was standing tall in front of them the fort of Spurhorn, now the only trouble was how where they to announce themselves, should they just walk up and approach the gates... It was then that Thorsen came up with the best idea and they had Shinigami send a message using the Whispering Winds Scroll to one of the guards saying in Draconic "We approach in peace, please fetch Bescalye, tell her the people she requested have some to assist her."

How well this goes over is unsure as the alarm was raised and the sound of approaching flying creatures is heard and that is where we leave it for this session.

What is going to happen, will Shinigami actually get to ride a Dragonkin, will the party be able to reclaim the two headed Eagle find out next session.

Dark Archive

Bad news. I have to put the game on brief hiatus. Work-life is eating into my Wednesday nights. If you guys want to continue it won't be to mid-May that I can start things up again.

No worries, man. Life happens :)
Mid-May, including today, is only like three sessions anyway. No cause for alarm on my end. I have rather enjoyed the sessions since I've joined the calamity, so I plan to stick around.

lastgrasp wrote:
Bad news. I have to put the game on brief hiatus. Work-life is eating into my Wednesday nights. If you guys want to continue it won't be to mid-May that I can start things up again.

I assume no game tonight?

Will it be back next week or if not do you have an idea when?

I can't wait to find what will happen next. Hopefully things will settle down soon.

Is there a game this week?

Any update on the current situation with the game?

Dark Archive

Sorry for not responding sooner. I'm going to be canceling the campaign. It's been a blast playing with everyone and apologize for the abrupt end. Honestly it was fun running 27 sessions but the campaign requires massive amount of prep. With my wife, work, & son it's time I unfortunately don't have.

I'll still be around. Maybe running things online in a smaller scale over the next few months, but not as time consuming as an AP.

lastgrasp wrote:

I'll still be around. Maybe running things online in a smaller scale over the next few months, but not as time consuming as an AP.

No worries; Life happens.

I enjoyed the sessions I participated in and I wish everyone the best.

Cheers, all.

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