Jade Regent Actual Play Podcast

Campaign Journals

Hello everyone,

So, I started a thread for the Shattered Star game I run, figured I might as well do likewise for other Paizo APs that I run.

I'm a long time member of RPGMP3.com, a community that releases Actual Play podcasts of a multitude of different systems and types. My home group has been playing through Jade Regent and uploading podcasts of our sessions to the website. Releases are currently going into the second book, and it's been a lot of fun, the relationship system especially has been an interesting and worthwhile feature of the AP. Our starting and current cast is:
Carter as the GM
Aimee as Storm Blackfire, Half-Elf Barbarian
Brian as Harold Shinken, Half-Elf Cleric
Brad as Ash Lonechild, Human Summoner, with Misty the Eidolon

Hope any potential listeners enjoy.

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Latest Release
Jade Regent Session 23: This Is Not The NPC You're Looking For

After finishing off their raven nemesis, the group head back to Spivey and the man rescued from Ravenscraeg to find out that he is not Ulf Gormundr, and must head back into the keep to find their guide.

Love.your actual plays. I havent watched the shattered star since thats likely the next ap my group will do.

Benoc wrote:
Love.your actual plays. I havent watched the shattered star since thats likely the next ap my group will do.

Thanks man, glad to hear you enjoy. There was a long pause in releases as the focus was on revamping the site, but now it's been launched the releases should be nice and regular.

Jade Regent Session 24
Invading Means We'd Want to Stay

Now wielding Suishen, the ancient katana of the Amatatsu family, the party heads into the lower levels of Ravenscraeg. As they face the skilled elite of the Frozen Shadows, Suishen is given pause regarding the abilities of the Amatatsu scions.

Jade Regent Session 25
Showdown With the Second-In-Command

After another rest and regroup, the YGG PCs head further into the depths of Ravenscraeg and meet up with the Half-Troll sorcerer Goti Runecaster. Battle ensues.

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