Goblinworks Blog: Making Movies

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Goblin Squad Member

Those chain shirts could use a little polish :). I'm really wondering what those three belts are for... I think the chain should hit the knees with a cleavage for running, the chest should be covered and the sleeves should be to elbow length. Of course I'm not really sure what armor that is at 3:28 but it looks chainshirtish. Maybe something more like this. And all kinds of straps to that :).

And for a chain mail you could add bracers, gauntlets, collar, helm, kneepads, shinguards and boots :). The basic chain could be the same or have few variations and those extra stuff could really have different kinds of flavors and colors.

Goblin Squad Member

To be honest, I can't say much about the environment. It looks good, but it's nothing special. It's your average green-hills-fantasy-world (well, it's the River Kingdoms after all) and I miss a bit of a twist here and there. But I'm pleased with the amount of armour that already exists. Looks good and I'm also really glad that there were no ub0roversized four-handed swords and plate armours that weigh around 94387 tons.

Goblin Squad Member

Boulders and patches of bare stone, bogs, 'impenetrable' thickets and large lakes would be a nice touch, but right now I'll take what I can get!

Goblin Squad Member

Hey Lisa!

I'm definitely with Diella on the 'Slap-rump taunt' goblin t-shirts! If you make them available, that is the one I will buy!

@ Mike Hines In the video at 0:55 there is a sketch of what looks like a basic settlement area. I can see clearly three districts. It appears that there is a large district with one large, two medium, and finally 9 small plots. The other two districts appear to offer a number of sizes of plots in descending order. Is that the current thinking on the plots and their sizes?

Is the snow in the hills/mountain area going to fluctuate with the 'seasons'?

Stephen Cheney wrote:
Almost all of the time, you'll be able to find a way up, either by going down and choosing a lesser slope or by jumping and switchbacking. There's nothing on the other side we're trying to hide from you.

Cool, in the demo it didn't seem like you could do more than jump straight up and down, but I had thought that being able to jump and clear a distance would be useful for some navigation like that.

A climbing system would be neat, but it's potentially a decent amount of tech and animations (to determine what's an unwalkable slope and switch you into the properly oriented climb position). Climbing up placed walls is a slightly different consideration (since that at least doesn't have to tilt your animations toward the slope, since we know it's 90 degrees, and it might be easier for tech to mark it to put you in a climbing state). But it needs to hit the sweet spot of "valid but not overpowering tactic in PvP." Make it too good and too easy to come by, and defending settlements begin to wonder why they even bothered to build walls, since all their enemies attack them like spider people. Make it too weak, and nobody bothers ever using it except to roleplay being a traceur.

Perhaps make climbing a light armor only activity? And make sure it is always very slow? I do think it should be an option at some point, at least thru skills/feats... I think it may add something to the game even if most characters don't do it, because it allows for the possibility that some other characters can.

Goblin Squad Member

Quandary wrote:
Is the snow in the hills/mountain area going to fluctuate with the 'seasons'?

My guess is that the white that caps the elevations is simply an elevation contour color and not snow. There is nothing high enough in that area of the River Kingdoms to have snow (in the Pathfinder lore).

Goblin Squad Member

Harad Navar wrote:
Quandary wrote:
Is the snow in the hills/mountain area going to fluctuate with the 'seasons'?
My guess is that the white that caps the elevations is simply an elevation contour color and not snow. There is nothing high enough in that area of the River Kingdoms to have snow (in the Pathfinder lore).

I see.

That said, I hope they retcon the map for PFO purposes. The whites of the snowy mountains in the vid really enrich the sense of a huge wilderness and grand sweeping lands. Topological variety for any mmorpg map is a v good for that tourist aspect this genre, also, and higher "peaks"/plateaux involve different gameplay as well as tributaries via steep-sided valleys towards the flood-plains of the West Sellen River.

CEO, Goblinworks

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@Anathema - yes.

@Harad Nevar - if you look at the detailed maps from Kingmaker you'll see mountains where none are visible on the Inner Sea Region map. The Inner Sea map has a low enough resolution that mountains are not all visible.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ryan Dancey wrote:
@Anathema - yes.

You're not making it easy for me to search for official confirmations when you phrase them like that. Oh well, if it was easy, everyone would do it :)

Anathema wrote:
It appears that there is a large district with one large, two medium, and finally 9 small plots.


Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ryan Dancey wrote:
@Harad Nevar - if you look at the detailed maps from Kingmaker you'll see mountains where none are visible on the Inner Sea Region map. The Inner Sea map has a low enough resolution that mountains are not all visible.

I can see the Branthlend Mountains in the Kingmaker Map Folio, however they are not visible in the Guide to the River Kingdoms inside cover map. It is nice to see some major topography detail, even if the elevations in the video are probably exaggerated to enhance height contrast. This would make about 1/2 of Echo Woods essentially forested mountain, a rugged terrain to traverse, and ideal for ambushes.

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