Gm credit for game ran last night.

GM Discussion

Silver Crusade 2/5

Ok so here is my issue/question. Last night a bunch of my friends called up and told me they wanted to play some Pathfinder so I tell them I will run a PFS scenario for them. I ran Frost fur Captives 3-01. This was their first time ever playing PFS and to speed things along they asked to use pregens so they could start faster.

So we played we finished, but none of them want to register online, they did not even want the chronicle sheet.

How do I report it/ can I even report it and get GM credit?

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

Without player numbers to report it under, I don't think you can get credit for it.


You can generate a list of numbers on the event page, assign some of those numbers to your players, and report accOrdingly. Notify them of their numbers, obviously.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Yeah, what Pathar said. As long as they played legal pregens and everything else was PFS legal, even if they don't care about their numbers or sheets, you can still report it.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

I'm curious - did they seem to enjoy the game? Or say anything directly about whether they enjoyed it?

Silver Crusade 2/5

They enjoyed it, said it was rather fun, they almost lost only two goblins were alive at the end.But they did say they enjoyed it, just they did not want to sign up for anything. They tend to be rather lazy at times.

Grand Lodge 2/5

They enjoyed it, said it was rather fun, they almost lost only two goblins were alive at the end.But they did say they enjoyed it, just they did not want to sign up for anything. They tend to be rather lazy at times.

I feel your pain, have the Local VS/VL in your area give you some cards, report and then give the cards to your players.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Lordzum, just an FYI, anyone that registers an event in Paizo's system can download the same cards you mention. It doesn't have to be a VO in order to get them.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Even better :). I found my players more motivated to go to the site when they had a card in hand.

Grand Lodge 4/5


It is actually even possible to report a table with no players on it. That is how the overGM for the Specials get their GM credit for the game.

Hopefully, you can convince your friends to join PFS, so that they can play more...


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