Too many wraiths

Carrion Crown

In the trial of the beast did any one else find the fight with the wriaths really tough we almost had a tpk
How did the rest of you do to?

Your GM may have done something different.

There's only one wraith.:
The rest are wraith spawns, and if you killed the main wraith, the rest of the spawns turned into full wraiths. When that happened, the rest of the wraiths were meant to flee into the woods.

No we ended up fighting one spawn and the wraith at the same time
This was after we had encountered the other spawns in quick succession we a party of four fourth level characters so the cr for the last encounter was well above our apl
So how's the encounter set out in the book as we ended up going through all the spawn before we found the true wraith
So we where pretty banged up by the time we got there

try asking the Trial of the Beast thread.

I sent all the wraith spawn and the wraith at the party at the same time because I thought it would be cool to have dancing wraith children circling around a player draining his life. That wasn't too good an idea as they almost died. Fortunately they killed the main wraith and send the wraith spawn running. I had to fudge a little as well. Pretty tough encounter.

Dark Archive

This is a Horror Campaign. Near but not quite TPK should be what you are aiming for. If that's not your style, play a different kind of campaign.

That section of Trial of the Beast really played up a survival horror vibe for my players. It was a long investigation, with the wraith spawn wearing down their resources, leading to a very tough battle at the end where they just survived by the skin of their teeth.

nm non dm thread

Silver Crusade

Seriously, Sloanzilla: WHAT?

Victor: I must disagree. "Horror Campaign" does not translate to "Always at the edge of TPK". Everybody likes his campaigns a little different - one group likes to experience the horror together through descriptions, dialogue and atmosphere and another likes to (metaphorically!) crawl through glass shards, always on the edge and scared of the grim death.

Being scared can take on many forms, and it's always possible to play Carrion Crown as something of a rollercoaster through whacky funny horror stuff. It might not be the best way to do it, but some groups like it so.

I was too lazy to do spoiler tags, so I edited my post.

Basically, I was wondering if a good party would *want* to defeat all the wraiths, instead of having them run screaming into the woods.

If I put my players constantly near the edge of a TPK, I'd have to look for new players. When one character died already, one of my players got on the whole "I hate Ravenloft" horse and wouldn't come down for many sessions, even after I insisted I wasn't running that sort of game.

Different Strokes for different folks.

GMs are allowed to run games how they see fit, but should talk to their Players to know the vibe of the group playing.


I'm about to run this encounter next session. Not with every Wraith at once, but closer to as written. I half-expect my players may divide up by letting their best Diplo-mancer stay behind and stick it out for the trial itself.


So far, the first wraith-spawn did 25 points of damage and drained 1 point of con. That included a bear trap, but I reigned in the hit and runs a bit and ignored any 20 percent miss due to it being night thing. Party fighter crit for 35(17) damage

The party is now bushwacking through the cornfields toward the temple. They won't run into Elsa's ghost, so I may have her leave her anchor point.

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