Minecraft creatures

Homebrew and House Rules

Hello, I'm planning on making a few, extra rare encounters for my players and wanted them to be special, and the first thing that came to mind is that we are all avid minecrafters. I've done a bit of searching already, but couldn't find anything. Has anyone created or knows someone who created Pathfinder stats for creepers/endermen/blazes or any minecraft mob? I could make them myself if I had the drive, but if I can find balanced versions someone else made, it'd be weight off my shoulders.

Well, the CR on these monsters could vary quite a lot. If you're not crafting these for a particular level, then to start the relative difficulty of the monsters should be ranked...

(Switching to my laptop, one minute...)

Minecraft Monsters:
0 Mooshroom In game these present no threat - but if the fungus growing on them was toxic, that could be another story.
0 Ocelot These wild cats always run from the player, but present a unique solution to the Creeper problem below.
0 Snow Golem These creatures can only damage those who are made of fire. They can push others around, however.
0 Slime The only real threat slimes present is in combination with other attackers. They move slowly and split into smaller forms when struck. Their smallest form is incapable of harming the hero, though they can still push him around.
1 Skeleton These bony regulars are fantastic archers. They can sometimes be found astride arachnid mounts.
1 Zombie These tough corpses call to others of their kind when they find the hero. Ultimately, though, this ends up serving as a quick way to flush them out rather than an intimidating power.
1 Zombie Villager These are very similar to zombies. The key difference is that their affliction is treatable.
2 Magma Cube Similar to slimes, the slams of these segmented jellies catch their foes on fire. They can also split into smaller and smaller forms when struck.
2 Silverfish More of an annoyance by the time they are found, silverfish can nonetheless present a threat to an unprepared hero by swarming and retreating literally into the stonework.
2 Spider These large, fast moving foes can jump and climb walls, and fit under small (wide) spaces.
3 Cave Spider The poisonous attacks of a cave spider can quickly drive the hardiest of heroes to flee their lairs in terror.
3 Creeper The iconic creeper combines a high stealth ability with a lethal suicide attack. They fear cats.
3 Ghast These huge flying monstrosities can see a trespasser from a long distance away, harassing the hapless victim with explosive fire.
? Witch I can't really speak to the witch's threat. I've only found one so far and I wiped the floor with her before she could do anything.
4 Wither Skeleton These tall black skeletons typically attack in packs with swords. Their attacks inflict a weakening curse.
4 Iron Golem These tough monsters guard villagers and those who create them. They have a fondness for children.
4 Enderman Relatively uncommon, these extraplanar aberrations are native to the plane of The End. High threat level.
4 Zombie Pigman Hard hitting but neutral by default, these monsters wouldn't be too hard to take down if they didn't swarm the hapless adventurers who draw their wrath.
4 Blaze The guardians of the Nether Fortresses use a combination of flight and ranged fire attacks to present a powerful threat.
5 Ender Dragon This enormous dragon inhabits The End. It can fly, move through barriers, and breathe noxious flames. The End is also littered with artifacts attuned to the Ender Dragon which heal it.
5 Wither A creation gone wrong, a Wither is made from the skulls of three wither skeletons. This creature explodes shortly after creation, healing it and laying waste to wherever it was created. It has a fierce hate for life, and can launch explosive fire and destroy terrain in order to reach its goals.
(skipping those with no real value such as bats and cows)

More tomorrow…

Here's my take on the creeper. I haven't done any of the other Minecraft monsters yet, but several of them could just be taken from the bestiaries anyway.

Your creeper design was almost identical to the one I made last night, I also managed to make an Enderman, a Blaze, a Wither Skeleton, a Ghast and a Silverfish Swarm

Unliving_Gangrel wrote:
Your creeper design was almost identical to the one I made last night, I also managed to make an Enderman, a Blaze, a Wither Skeleton, a Ghast and a Silverfish Swarm

Do you by chance have them somewhere? I am trying to make a campaign and wanted to add some Minecraft creatures because I have some minecraft players in my group.

If you don't, that's okay to. Thanks anyways. :)

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I converted the enderman into a 0HD player race a while back (I'm currently playing an ender ninja in my group's Wrath of the Righteous campaign!). Hope you find these stats useful!

Enderman (15RP)


  • Aberration [3 RP]: Endermen have darkvision 60ft. Endermen breathe, eat, and sleep.
  • Standard Ability Scores (+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Con) [0 RP]: Endermen are fleet and shrewd, but their bodies are frail.
  • Standard Languages [0 RP]: Endermen start with Common and Aklo. Ender characters with high Intelligence can choose from the following additional languages: Aboleth, Abyssal, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, and Infernal.
  • Spell Resistance, Greater [3 RP]: Endermen have spell resistance equal to 11 + their character level.
  • Nimble Attacks [2 RP]: Endermen gain Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.
  • Spell-Like Ability, At-Will [4 RP]: Endermen can cast lesser dimension door (see below) as a spell-like ability at will.
  • Static Bonus Feat [2 RP]: Endermen gain Dimensional Agility as a bonus feat.
  • Matter Transfer [3 RP]: As a standard action 3 times/day, an enderman can reach into a solid object and extract a small quantity of nonmagical, unattended matter from its surroundings. Up to a 6-inch cube of matter can be removed this way for every 4HD or fraction thereof; the matter removed can be of any shape, but fine details require a Craft check. The surrounding material is unaffected, as if the removed matter had never been attached.
  • Water Weakness [-2 RP]: Water is caustic to endermen. Endermen have a -4 penalty on saves versus spells that create water or have the water subtype. An enderman takes 1d6 damage each round that it is fully submerged in water.

New Spell: Dimension Door, Lesser

School conjuration (teleportation); Level bard 2, magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2, summoner 2
Range short (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Target self + 50 lbs of objects only

This spell functions as dimension door, but with the above changes.


In the dark corners of the wilderness, the enigmatic endermen wander. These alien creatures, with gangly limbs and black bodies, are born in the gravity wells of dead stars and live their lives on dunes of hyper-dense matter.

Occasionally, endermen stray onto the Material Plane, where they find the softer building blocks of normal-gravity planets as pliant as wax and just as pleasurable to mold. Relying on their space-bending abilities to hunt for food and avoid danger, they often remain fascinated with this malleable world; many choose to stay and play on the Material Plane forever, endlessly shuffling bits of earth to and fro. An ender habitat is marked by unnatural gouges in the environment -- sometimes these occur as intricate designs scooped out of stone, but just as often (for reasons unknown) as perfectly cubic holes in trees or boulders.

Most endermen mistrust other creatures and want only to be left to their play. Some are drawn to build mysterious cairns and obelisks from the materials they scavenge, however, and still others are rumored to construct even more complicated structures.

Enderfolk aren’t built for sex; though most eat, drink, and breathe, they’re biologically closer to living gravitational anomalies than they are to humans. They don't reproduce by conventional means, instead appearing entirely by chance near areas of intense gravitational flux -- most commonly near persistent interplanar gates, large asteroids that enter into stable orbits around collapsed stars, and spheres of annihilation. Those few scholars who study ender biology speculate that the exact physiological composition of an ender body is determined in part by the circumstances of its genesis (those born in the void of space may have no need to breathe, for example, instead deriving sustenance from stellar radiation); that whenever a creature is sucked into a sphere of annihilation, a new enderman spontaneously arises elsewhere on the plane; and that other, far less anthropomorphic species of ender creature may also exist.

aetherwisp wrote:

I converted the enderman into a 0HD player race a while back (I'm currently playing an ender ninja in my group's Wrath of the Righteous campaign!). Hope you find these stats useful!

Enderman (15RP)
** spoiler omitted **

New Spell: Dimension Door, Lesser
** spoiler omitted **...

Thank you! After reading it I like it quite a bit. :)

Do you (or anyone else) have any other Minecraft mobs turned Pathfinders creatures?

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