New VL for Phoenix, AZ

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Got myself a new VL hear in Phoenix, Tom Martin, he has the dubious honor of being the player with the most prestige spent due to death at my table, thus he is being made my minion BUWAHHHH. Actually Tom is a verteran PFS player and a great GM, he is also terribly helpful to me a VC and I am very happy he is on the Team, he will be at Paizo.con so treat him right fellas.

Grand Lodge 4/5

See you guys there and in Phoenix!

Dark Archive 2/5


Liberty's Edge 3/5

Jason Leonard wrote:

Got myself a new VL hear in Phoenix, Tom Martin, he has the dubious honor of being the player with the most prestige spent due to death at my table, thus he is being made my minion BUWAHHHH. Actually Tom is a verteran PFS player and a great GM, he is also terribly helpful to me a VC and I am very happy he is on the Team, he will be at Paizo.con so treat him right fellas.

Officer on deck! /snaps off a salute

Gratz, Tom. :)

Scarab Sages 4/5

Tom is a great asset to add to the team. Welcome aboard man, now you can harass jason locally and I can harass him from afar.


Congrats, Tom!

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

Thanks to all of you. Hopefully I'll get a chance to meet some of you guys in person in a couple weeks at Paizocon.



Well done! Also I just want to say hello. I know it has been awhile but things have been very busy. I am finally going to be able to sit in a PFS game this weekend. I miss all of y'all and the laughs and good times. Hopefully I will be back in Phoenix as soon as the dealership decides to send me to the Harley Davidson University there for some extra training. I will keep my fingers crosses. Just an fyi, but I still don't have any internet or a reliable computer but once these things are up and running I will be in better communication.

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