(PFS) GM Alice's #3-00: First Steps Series [Group 2] Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Oh, oops. Well, didn't really change the outcome in any case. :)

Lantern Lodge

Garret wrote:
Shivaan wrote:
"It seems her garden is overgrown Garret? Perhaps your furious kamas can help!
Below the belt, Shivaan. ;-). I had such high hopes for you...

My apologies good sir, it was merely meant as humorous encouragement. I will refrain from the gardening comments :P

@GM Alice

Sorry for the diagonal difficult terrain movement mixup! If only I was travel domain... hehe.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No worries there Shivaan, I was actually confused myself, trying to figure out how the 5-15 of moving two diagonals worked with difficult terrain... then found that rule!

I swear I find some obscure stupid rule in every single combat I ever run. lol.

Lantern Lodge

Folks who have HP in their status bar, can you please make sure they're correct? Thanks :)

Lantern Lodge

headed out to bach party for the evening, will return tomorrow mid-day. will do anything available to heal, or if i can get distance 30ft away from baddies and only including 2 allies, I will channel to confuse said baddies. preference to confuse. will use scroll of infernal on lowest hp person.

Lantern Lodge

Back, sorry. Clacent perhaps just go with killing the Croc? we need that thing dead!

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

Sorry guys for being off-line this weekend, was not planned.

GM: thanks for keeping the battle rolling and doing my actions for me.

This battle is getting pretty hairy. Doesn't help that you've managed to hit maybe twice in five rounds! :)

Lantern Lodge

RE: The profession cook thing.

I think it's a fantastic idea, totally relevant, and a hallmark of a good GM. :D

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

Thanks GM for allowing my skill to shine ;-)

Grand Lodge

Ranger/1; Hp 7/12; AC 18/T 12/FF 16; F +4/R +4/W +2; CMD 17; CMB +5; Per +5; Init +8; Speed 20, Melee +6, Ranged +2

Do the foods you cook give some other bonuses? It would be nicer if they provide small buffs I think.

Grand Lodge

M Elf Ranger/2

If I remember correctly, some food gives buffs. But, your race has to be in line with the food and you have to eat it for a week. Also, as soon as you eat something different, you lose the buff.

So, if Garret's food did give buffs, I would guess we would have to eat it for a week and not anything else.

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

I looked into that, the benefit was very small and as Thayn said; it needs to be the only food you eat for a week.

Costs are also significantly higher than trail rations, 2 gp vs 5 sp...

Glad nobody has a problem with it! :)

It's not really possible in a PFS game to do this, but in a home game I'd definitely allow Profession (chef) to be used as part of magical item creation. Making cakes and other meals that give the effects of potions and other consumables such as elixirs, for example.

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

Hmm, maybe I would take a rank in Profession (Bartender) in that case.

The big question is if a Flying Monkey really makes you fly or just makes you believe you can fly...

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

I will be on holiday for most of August with probably restricted access to Internet. Therefore I do not think it is wise to participate in the second scenario as that needs to be concluded before August 14th.

I'm beginning to wonder if we'll get through the 2nd adventure in time, indeed. My apologies all. I can at least run First Steps I for those who are interested in continuing after this.

Grand Lodge

Ranger/1; Hp 7/12; AC 18/T 12/FF 16; F +4/R +4/W +2; CMD 17; CMB +5; Per +5; Init +8; Speed 20, Melee +6, Ranged +2

My ranger will join you in whatever scenario you want to run, =)

Dark Archive

M Oni-Spawn Tiefling Monk (Maneuver Master) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 | F +6 R +5 W +7 | I +1 | P +9

Balak's in.

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

Off course I am very happy to provide the snacks in our next adventure, and just maybe I can contribute in another way (if there is any gardening to be done)

Grand Lodge

M Elf Ranger/2

I will keep playing Thayn, he needs to get more experience. Hopefully the rolls will be in our favor a little more often and the combat doesn't take days.

Yep...you guys basically have spent double the amount of time in combat in comparison to the other group. Some shockingly terrible rolls all thru this game :P

Lantern Lodge

My apologies, I was at a wedding last night. I cannot do anymore unfortunately but will endeavour to finish this one.

The way the dice roller works is that each post has a predetermined but (theoretically) infinite number of dice rolls associated, probably pseudo-randomly generated based on the post time, number in the site's database, or other similar arbitrary factors. (This is just an assumption of mine.)

1: 1d20 ⇒ 9
2: 1d20 ⇒ 20
3: 1d20 ⇒ 17
4: 1d20 ⇒ 10
A: 1d20 ⇒ 8
5: 1d20 ⇒ 18

This makes #1=9; #2=20; #3=17; #4=10; #5=8

If I insert a dice roll between 4 and 5 called "A", it's still the 5th roll in the post, so A will have a value of 8 and 5 will now have a value of the "next" dice roll, 18.

I hope you followed that!

But basically, it's not so much that the dice roller is "changing" results but that it will assign a result to each call of the dice command in order, no matter what you do. This comes with some problems, as you've seen.

In future I suggest just adding rolls at the end, e.g.

EDIT: Escape Artist if you need it: 1d20 ⇒ 20

or just double-checking your rolls with the preview button before you post.

As for the ooc tag, it seems to only work for one line. A linebreak seems to automatically insert an end. i.e.



...will look like...



Not sure why. Maybe to save the whole page turning ooc-blue if someone forgets to put an end tag in :)

Grand Lodge

M Elf Ranger/2

That is really a shoddy way of handling the dice rolls. It can be easily manipulated by players (accidentally or otherwise) without any real way of checking the post.

So, anyway, in my case, I suppose if we erase the EA roll, then it would go back to the original rolls?

It is a bit ironic that after a session of lousy rolls, I finally get a string of decent numbers and it gets all screwed up...

@Thayn, yep, it's pretty silly... of course it didn't matter in the end because of your miss chance roll, but at least you know for the future.


Just letting everyone know that I will be away this weekend (Thursday ~ Monday) at PAX Australia. I'm unsure about my internet connection in the hotel, but I hope to avail myself of some free Wi-Fi somewhere to keep up with things as much as I can. Worst comes to worst, I have my phone.

What this means for you guys is that I may not have the ability to edit the map over the weekend! However I suspect that it will not matter so much as this combat is almost over, and afterwards it's just roleplaying up the loose ends. Your Chronicles will have to wait until after the weekend, too. Hope that's not a problem for anyone.

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

What a spoiler! So this is the final big showdown ;-(.

Way to go Garret: you did not land any hits in the whole adventure...

If you guys have any comments on Garret or my play style: I like to receive feedback. I won't promise I will do anything with the feedback however ;-)

Hehe, spoilers. Sorry. :P

Actually, since I am 99.99% sure nobody will die before the end of this scenario, I may try and get the Chronicles done before I leave...

I have a question. I know some people have said they can't continue for the next module. Who DOES want to, still?

With the other group, I started up the 2nd module thread while still leaving the thread for the 3rd part up so they could tidy up the loose ends of the scenario without a time pressure. I would be willing to do the same for you guys if you would like.

Of course, if there's a lack of interest, I'll toss that idea. :)

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

I will be on holiday with restricted access to internet (and a family to entertain) from August 3. If you think we can manage (most of) the scenario before that date I am in, otherwise I will pass on this occasion.

In other words: I leave the decision if I am in in the GM's capable hands.

Unfortunately, I doubt it. I hope you have a great holiday, though, Garret!

Grand Lodge

Ranger/1; Hp 7/12; AC 18/T 12/FF 16; F +4/R +4/W +2; CMD 17; CMB +5; Per +5; Init +8; Speed 20, Melee +6, Ranged +2

I would like to continue.

Lantern Lodge

GM Alice, my apologies but all of my posts have been from my 54086-4 number. Shivaan, officially, is 54086-5. I'll finish this session before I revise this character for the purpose of posting but 54086-5 is the correct PFS number for reporting. Apologies for the mix-up!

Grand Lodge

M Elf Ranger/2

I am still in.

Dark Archive

M Oni-Spawn Tiefling Monk (Maneuver Master) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 | F +6 R +5 W +7 | I +1 | P +9

I'm in!

So that's three, since we appear to have lost Valnir... we can technically run with three (perhaps with me playing a pregen) but I'm sure that four would be a better number. In fact, it might be better than six simply so waiting times for posts would be lower.

I don't have time right now to spruik the advertisement thread, but if anyone has a friend in another game that would be interested in joining, please send them my way.

Dark Archive

M Oni-Spawn Tiefling Monk (Maneuver Master) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 | F +6 R +5 W +7 | I +1 | P +9

I'm going to be out of town until Sunday night. Have a good weekend!

Grand Lodge

M Elf Ranger/2

I have put the feelers out to my friends to see if anyone wants to jump in with us. Unfortunately, most are table top players, so I'm not sure if any will bite for a PbP game.

I gave them the weekend to decide (saying we will start at the beginning of the week), so we will see.

Have a great time at PAX, GM A!

We might not be able to finish the 2nd game at this stage, especially with the additional efforts of recruiting another person. Apologies all. I hope you had fun with this game though!

Grand Lodge

Ranger/1; Hp 7/12; AC 18/T 12/FF 16; F +4/R +4/W +2; CMD 17; CMB +5; Per +5; Init +8; Speed 20, Melee +6, Ranged +2

Oh well at least we can run part 1?

I can indeed run part 1, although you'll have to wait for a few days until I get home to do so :)

Grand Lodge

Ranger/1; Hp 7/12; AC 18/T 12/FF 16; F +4/R +4/W +2; CMD 17; CMB +5; Per +5; Init +8; Speed 20, Melee +6, Ranged +2

That is perfectly fine for me, we can run whatever you want lol

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

Thanks for running this GM, if you are starting anything in September for low levels I am eager to participate.

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend

Day Job Cooking: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Lantern Lodge

Thanks so much for running this GM Alice, sorry I cant post much near the end. Things started to get hectic with moving house/jobs/etc to a new city.

All the best to my fellow party members! Was a fun one for my first pbp!


Dark Archive

M Oni-Spawn Tiefling Monk (Maneuver Master) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 | F +6 R +5 W +7 | I +1 | P +9

Thanks Alice! This was fun and I loved the touches you added to it.

Thanks guys!

I'm FINALLY home now, so I'll work on getting your Chronicles done ASAP. Expect a private message within the next 12 hours.

For those who are still interested in playing First Steps I, I'll bump up the recruitment thread shortly and find another couple of players for y'all.

Thanks for waiting!

This thread seems to imply that we may be able to get a little bit of leeway with reporting for First Steps games that are being retired if I contact the brand-new online VC. Going to email him and see how it works out, but First Steps II may still be on the cards!

Grand Lodge

Ranger/1; Hp 7/12; AC 18/T 12/FF 16; F +4/R +4/W +2; CMD 17; CMB +5; Per +5; Init +8; Speed 20, Melee +6, Ranged +2

Cool! Welcome back!

Dark Archive

M Oni-Spawn Tiefling Monk (Maneuver Master) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 | F +6 R +5 W +7 | I +1 | P +9

Go for it Alice! :D

Have just sent off the Chronicles for everyone, except for Thayn who hasn't given me a Day Job check yet. (I note you have Craft: Alchemy!)

Just as a heads up, you guys didn't receive full gold as you neither prayed at the shrine of Kayle nor stole the offerings at the shrine. Sorry guys, but them's the wraps.

Let me know if I made any errors somewhere.

As an fyi, I have contacted the online VC and he confirmed that we have until September 30 to get everything done. So we have plenty of time for First Steps II. I'm recruiting for replacements, and should have First Steps II going within a day or so.

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

Thanks again for running this.

Regarding the shrine:

Garret wrote:

Garret shouts down:

It is a shrine to Lady Kayle, I will leave an offering for all of us

Garret leaves seven silver pieces and climbs down again.

Garret has neither Knowledge (History) nor Knowledge (Nobility), therefore he can't make untrained DC 15's

Profile adjusted -7 silver

Garret wants his money back! I assume just leaving money wasn't enough, Garret should probably have asked for her blessing...

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