(PFS) GM Alice's #3-00: First Steps Series [Group 2] Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Hello, welcome all! Please let me know you made it here and let's get the game underway ASAP. :)

Dark Archive

M Oni-Spawn Tiefling Monk (Maneuver Master) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 | F +6 R +5 W +7 | I +1 | P +9

Checking in. Looking forward to playing with you all!

Gameplay thread is up. The first post is rather long; felt like I should get the main bulk of the briefing out of the way in it.

Please do feel free to introduce yourselves to the party and/or describe yourselves. :)

Grand Lodge

Ranger/1; Hp 7/12; AC 18/T 12/FF 16; F +4/R +4/W +2; CMD 17; CMB +5; Per +5; Init +8; Speed 20, Melee +6, Ranged +2

Here and ready to go!

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

Boarded this flight!

I assumed that I have learned something in my Pathfinder training regarding the Gillmen, otherwise my character will ask a lot more questions about them.

Regarding Garret:

Garret is a very serious halfling, who always carried out his assignments from the training master in a serious manner. If told to study some more, he would do so and never ever try to wing it. After training hours he spend a lot of time in the kitchens, helping out the kitchen staff and trying to learn more techniques and recipes.

@Alice: would you like me to have my stats available in my posts like Clacent has?

Garret, you can put your stats however you like in your profile, it doesn't bother me.

Regarding the gillmen, you probably know a little about them having spent some time around Absalom. They're a sea-dwelling humanoid race rumoured to be the descendants of ancient Azlant. For more, you can ask. :)


I also just checked everyone's sheets.

@Thayn, lot of issues here.
- I couldn't see what bonus languages you selected from your Intelligence score.
- You've overspent on your abilities (it totals 22 points - maybe a typo on your Int score to 17 instead of 16?).
- You have two feats when you should only have 1 as a level 1 elven ranger.
- You selected only one trait (you should have 2)
- You selected Observant as a trait, but I can't see which skill you picked to have the bonus apply to (Perception or Sense Motive)

@Valnir, just a few things. I'll explain them because I know you're new, sorry if you already know this stuff!
- You've missed some of your languages known. You get 1 bonus language known for every point of Int modifier you have. (So, 4 for you.) As an elf you can pick from: Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan.
- I think you picked an object for your arcane bond, but you didn't specify what the object is. (I guess it's the dagger?)
- You forgot your Spell Focus feat which you get instead of Scribe Scroll in Pathfinder Society.

@Clacent, I think you forgot your bonus skill rank from being human. Also remember you do 1.5x your Str damage with a 2H weapon (so 2d6+6).

@Balak, I assume you're actually LN not N - monks have to be lawful.

Grand Lodge

Ranger/1; Hp 7/12; AC 18/T 12/FF 16; F +4/R +4/W +2; CMD 17; CMB +5; Per +5; Init +8; Speed 20, Melee +6, Ranged +2

Yea I missed that part good catch! With a 2 handed power attack I believe it adds 1 1/2 so it would be 2d6+4+3?

Grand Lodge

M Elf Ranger/1; Hp 10; AC 16/T 14/FF 12; F +2/R +6/W +0; CMD 16; CMB +2; Per +9; Init +4; Speed 30, Melee +2, Ranged +5

@GM Alice,
Thanks for the look-over!

- I couldn't see what bonus languages you selected from your Intelligence score.
Common, Elvish, Gnome, Orc, Gnoll…added to stats
- You've overspent on your abilities (it totals 22 points - maybe a typo on your Int score to 17 instead of 16?).
Oops, typo…Int correct to 16
- You have two feats when you should only have 1 as a level 1 elven ranger.
- You selected only one trait (you should have 2)
- You selected Observant as a trait, but I can't see which skill you picked to have the bonus apply to (Perception or Sense Motive)

Grand Lodge

M Elf Wizard/1

@GM Alice
Languages have been updated, I had mistakenly thought it was 1 bonus language for having at least +1 int mod.

The MW Dagger was indeed the arcane bond, I'd forgotten to put it in equipment.

Spell Focus feat has also been added.

Thanks very much for the once over and clarification.

Looking forward to playing with you all.

Lantern Lodge

OK checking in, now that I realized I'm in this group. Pleasure to meet you all and thanks for running GM Alice!

Lantern Lodge

Hey guys, I'm new to pbp, please let me know if I need to improve over the course of our game. :)

May I also ask, how does one get the long string of statistics under the name such as Clacent has?

Grand Lodge

Ranger/1; Hp 7/12; AC 18/T 12/FF 16; F +4/R +4/W +2; CMD 17; CMB +5; Per +5; Init +8; Speed 20, Melee +6, Ranged +2

When you edit your character, place everything in 1 box like in the classes/levels box.

Lantern Lodge

Clacent wrote:
When you edit your character, place everything in 1 box like in the classes/levels box.


Lantern Lodge

Is it common practice to spoiler dice rolls?

Some people do to keep their posts neat (or to specify that the rolls are for the GM's eyes only), others don't. It's up to you.

Grand Lodge

M Elf Ranger/2

I am new to PFS, so please bear with me on my mistakes...I had some issues with registering Thayn as a Society PC. I had to make a duplicate character (with the PFS) to get him to register.

Do you want me to use this one or the original (without the PFS)? They are identical, except for the name.

The new PFS # is 86722-2. Sorry again about the confusion.

I think you should probably use the PFS account as I believe that's the one I will be giving credit to. Depending on how many posts you've made as the other alias, you may be able to rename it and reuse it in some other context (e.g., a non-PFS PbP character).

However, if you had to register him twice... you might want to send an email to Mike Brock (mike.brock@paizo.com) and see what he can do about merging the two.

Grand Lodge

M Elf Ranger/2

Changing the name worked! Thanks, I will be using this character for my posts.

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

I seem to have the habit of posting, then thinking of something to add and start editing. Meanwhile someone else will have reacted to my original post. No harm done so far, it just looks weird as the reaction is then placed before the post...

Just letting everyone know that I have an exam tomorrow so I'm probably not going to be able to post until tomorrow afternoon after it's done. (Busy cramming maths!)

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

Good luck! I hope it went / will go well .

Lantern Lodge

Bon Chance!

Thanks! Sorry for the delay. :)

Lantern Lodge

No worries!

GM Alice, the aid another for Garret's mule, would that also be a Handle Animal check? I'm untrained, just want to make sure I can assist.

Grand Lodge

M Elf Wizard/1

@gmAlice So in the gameplay thread I am no longer able to delete/edit my last entry.

I'm also curious about your saying we'll need a move action to get out of our tents, are we in tents? I had presumed we were all in the open in bedrolls (for example I don't own a tent).

Based on your explanation of needing to get up from prone and the fact the enemy of will move before me if that post can just be ignored and I'll re-post when my initiative block comes up.

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

I have a tent ;-)so for me even getting out and standing up are 2 move actions. Lucky me that I don't really need weapons.

I just hope the animal will choose those tender bites that are available instead of getting in a tent for such a small bite as a halfling is...

Valnir, you can delete or edit your posts within one hour of posting. Maybe you were past this deadline?

Lantern Lodge

Hey GM Alice!

So Shivaan Uses Variant Channeling, his specific choice being the Madness Variant. Variant channels can harm or heal, with negative/positive respectively, however, the damage or healing is halved. With a variant channel, the damage has no save.

The main part of the variant is tied to the choice to harm or heal. For my harm (madness), if the save of the channel is failed, the creature in question becomes confused until the end of my next turn. Channel resistance in creatures applies to the save. As an example, other variants have cool effects, e.g. nauseated, sickened, and so on.

Now my subdomain of Whimsy does a funky thing; and it's why I'm separatist (whimsy is only currently associated with Chaos and not a deity). It also fits the flavor. Fluff aside, a whimsical channel, at my discretion, a d6 is first rolled, and the results indicate if the channel dice goes up or down a step in dice count. On a 1, the dice goes down a step (minimum 1). On a 5 or 6, the I roll an additional dice for damage or healing. On a 2-4, the channel is unaffected.

I actually did the first time incorrectly and should have rolled a separated damage dice after the determination roll (editing now if able). My first time doing this too hehe.

Basically Shivaan's encounter with an artifact of an old god nearly drove him mad, he "separates" himself from Yoggy but continues to receive spells, and it allows him to select a forbidden rite, or domain/subdomain not listed under the deity that fits the alignment axis in question. His whimsical channel is viewed as a reluctant submission to the powers of his old god, and tends to mutter or speak in Aklo when this occurs (pure flavor, no mechanic for that).

Links for the relevant info:
Variant Channeling

Ahh, interesting. Thanks for that, Shivaan. It's an interesting build, I like how you can get "online" with doing cool things from level 1 even. I've just never seen the variant channelling in action. :)

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1
GM wrote:
Wow, that's some terrible luck there :)

Don't expect that the cook contributes anything in combat, we can't all be Steven Seagal.

Question: Can I trip a grappled opponent and what will that do to the other grappler?

Weird situation to imagine. Because of all the legs of the Krenshar I decided against going for the trip attempt anyway, but it might come up in a later combat.

This reminds me of the time my player asked me if he could trip a character that was climbing on the wall above him. Added to my headache was that he succeeded in doing so, but there was no empty square for the tripped enemy to fall to. Sigh...

There's nothing by RAW that disallows you tripping it. It would gain the prone condition and the associated bonuses and penalties. What that would even look like is beyond me... (holding the Krenshar upside-down? Maybe crouching over it and holding it down on the ground?)

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1
GM Alice wrote:
This reminds me of the time my player asked me if he could trip a character that was climbing on the wall above him. Added to my headache was that he succeeded in doing so, but there was no empty square for the tripped enemy to fall to. Sigh...

Easy, tripped character falls on top of him, both are prone and take falling damage if the falling character fell more than 10 ft... ;-)

GM Alice wrote:
There's nothing by RAW that disallows you tripping it. It would gain the prone condition and the associated bonuses and penalties. What that would even look like is beyond me... (holding the Krenshar upside-down? Maybe crouching over it and holding it down on the ground?)

I like the image of holding the Krenshar upside down:

Balak is holding the Krenshar tight against his body to prevent it going anywhere. Garret comes along and slashes with his kama. Balak is still holding the Krenshar, but somehow it is now on its back with its feet in the air.


Lantern Lodge

Garret wrote:

I like the image of holding the Krenshar upside down:

Balak is holding the Krenshar tight against his body to prevent it going anywhere. Garret comes along and slashes with his kama. Balak is still holding the Krenshar, but somehow it is now on its back with its feet in the air.


Belly rub time!

This battle has gone on for a lot longer than I expected!

The other group's paladin rolled a natural 20 and one-shot the krenshar before anyone else could act... even the krenshar. *lol*

Lantern Lodge

GM Alice wrote:

This battle has gone on for a lot longer than I expected!

The other group's paladin rolled a natural 20 and one-shot the krenshar before anyone else could act... even the krenshar. *lol*

ROFL. Dat smite evil crit. :P

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1
GM Alice wrote:

This battle has gone on for a lot longer than I expected!

The other group's paladin rolled a natural 20 and one-shot the krenshar before anyone else could act... even the krenshar. *lol*

I bet they did not do any landscaping!

Grand Lodge

M Elf Ranger/2

We are plagued by amazingly crappy rolls...

Grand Lodge

Ranger/1; Hp 7/12; AC 18/T 12/FF 16; F +4/R +4/W +2; CMD 17; CMB +5; Per +5; Init +8; Speed 20, Melee +6, Ranged +2

and a frightened little ranger.

Dark Archive

M Oni-Spawn Tiefling Monk (Maneuver Master) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 | F +6 R +5 W +7 | I +1 | P +9

I'm going to be out of town from Tuesday to Friday. No internet where I'm heading, so no posts from me during that time.

Lantern Lodge

Sorry if my posts are short in length this weekend - I am travelling for Canada Day but do have internet access.

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

Have a happy / nice / joyful Canada day tomorrow!

(What is the correct way to wish someone a nice Canada day?)

Have a happy Canada Day, eh? Ayez un jour heureux Canada!


Ahh, how I miss Canada. I lived there for a year last year and it was great. Definitely want to go back once I'm done university.

Dark Archive

M Oni-Spawn Tiefling Monk (Maneuver Master) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 | F +6 R +5 W +7 | I +1 | P +9

Just got home from a Canada Day party! :D

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

Rub it in will you? When you posted my alarm clock woke me up for another day at work...

Aye, you can assume with the brief timeskip that people have been healed up to full and full spells/etc restored.

Sorry for kind of skimming over these details, this scenario is surprisingly hard to run by PbP. Lots of "well nothing happens and now you're in a totally different place" scenes...

Lantern Lodge

No worries, you're doing awesome!!

Are green squares outside of the entangle template spell template that are not covered in bush difficult terrain?

It'd be shallow mire/bog so I suppose so, yes. About to head to bed so I will try and remember to check that in the morning :)

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1
Shivaan wrote:
"It seems her garden is overgrown Garret? Perhaps your furious kamas can help!

Below the belt, Shivaan. ;-). I had such high hopes for you...

Garret, hope you don't think I'm picking on you. :P You just happened to be directly in front of Bog Mother, and the tactics of Snapjaw say he prefers "smaller" targets...

Grand Lodge

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1

@GM: No problem at all. I knew I set myself up to be attacked by Snapjaw again, I feel lucky that I am still standing.

For your information: These were unarmed attacks, drawing a Kama would have cost me a move action as I don't have a BAB of at least +1.

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