The Harrowing chronicle

GM Discussion

Silver Crusade 5/5

The chronicle sheet for the Pathfinder Module The Harrowing lists a potion of see invisibility as a found item. As far as I understand, it should not be possible to create this item, as the corresponding spell has a range of "personal". I don't suppose that the purpose of the chronicle is to allow the purchase of an otherwise illegal item, so should I just cross this item out from the chronicle sheet?

Also, since these items are found as treasure during the module, should I allow the PCs to use them during the module itself?

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Change them from potions to elixirs.


Jussi Leinonen wrote:

The chronicle sheet for the Pathfinder Module The Harrowing lists a potion of see invisibility as a found item. As far as I understand, it should not be possible to create this item, as the corresponding spell has a range of "personal". I don't suppose that the purpose of the chronicle is to allow the purchase of an otherwise illegal item, so should I just cross this item out from the chronicle sheet?

Also, since these items are found as treasure during the module, should I allow the PCs to use them during the module itself?

I am given to understand that items can exist on a chronicle sheet that are not otherwise available.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Chris Mortika wrote:
Change them from potions to elixirs.

I'd be hesitant to do this as there are (as far as I know) no rules for creating custom elixirs (which are wondrous items) in PFS. Also, spells with a "personal" range are not allowed as potions for game balance reasons, so an equivalent elixir should at least cost more to compensate - but how much would that be?

pathar wrote:
I am given to understand that items can exist on a chronicle sheet that are not otherwise available.

Yes, but usually these are items that are legal by Pathfinder rules but not generally available for PFS: for example, poisons outside the usual list or magic items with a higher-than-usual caster level. This is slightly different as the listed item would be illegal to create under Pathfinder rules.

5/5 *

For another example, an early season 0 mod had on the chronicle sheet gloves of dexterity +2. As cool as stacking those with belts of STR would be, it is not legal. All items that are in PFRPG get converted over, in this care to a belt of incredible dexterity +2.


CRobledo wrote:
For another example, an early season 0 mod had on the chronicle sheet gloves of dexterity +2. As cool as stacking those with belts of STR would be, it is not legal. All items that are in PFRPG get converted over, in this care to a belt of incredible dexterity +2.

But The Harrowing is written for Pathfinder rules; it doesn't need to be converted.

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