Monster Spellcasting / Equivelant Abilities

Homebrew and House Rules

Hello! I'm a bit new to these boards (I've perused them for information, but haven't been a contributing member yet) and I hope that I've now posted to the correct thread (Posted this in Suggestions earlier, only to realize I'd somehow managed to miss the entire 'homebrew' section. Somtimes I'm a twit. Whoops.).

So, here's the situation: My GM is running a game where he's allowing monstrous races. My girlfriend selected Aranea as her race (neat little race, Beastiary II, with a few very spiffy abilities), and seems pretty keen on me playing the same race as her. The DM decided to 'split' her racial spellcasting and her class-related spellcasting (So she's effectively a Sorcerer 5 (no bloodline) and Sorcerer 7 (Destined).), and nobody's arguing or complaining about that. However, the arcane spellcasting doesn't really fit my character. My GM uses a homebrew port of the Favored Soul which I'm using for my class, and he's informed me that if I can come up with a reasonable replacement for my arcane spellcasting, I can use it--The problem I'm having is figuring out what is 'equivalent' to five 'levels' of Sorcerer (sans bloodline bonuses). I've browsed the monster building guide (Beastiary I) and I've checked out options in the AVP, but nothing seems to provide the breakdown I require, and I'm not looking for bonus spells as a Favored Soul. I've been permitted to take up to two domains using feats (Protection and Knowledge) so those aren't an option.

Having searched through a few online tools, resources suggest it's about as powerful as 5-6 feats, but the DM has encouraged human/demihuman play by granting them a few extra feats, and I don't want to take that *and* the bag of chips, so I'm steering away from that. I'm seeking something somewhat optimal, with a heavy focus on flavor. I've already taken Master Craftsman (Weaver) for some somewhat obvious reasons, and he's allowing my favored soul resistances to carry over to my webs for the price of two feats (One to enhance them in a basic way, the second to imbue some resistance upon them).

Suggestions? (And thank you in advance, even if you can't help.)

TL;DR: Need replacement ability/abilities for 5 pseudo-levels of spontaneous arcane spellcasting that isn't divine spellcasting or feats.

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