Councilman from Restov snared!!



when my PC's discarded the Stag Lord's ring for sale (N's hair turned into metal), it ended up in the markets of Restov for sale, and ended up on the hand of a minor (but "up-and-coming") Councilman of Restov. He has now been snared by N after taking a fancy to the ring and buying it, then having dreams. He has a sudden appreciation for Fey (the Gnomes of Restov like that) and a keen interest in keeping the Stolen lands wild and supressing any "adventuring parties". Soon, the Mayor will lose a vote of no confidence (over funding the charter groups instead of more troops) and new rules put into effect "banning adventuring" - the biggest effect of this will be no more selling of loot at Restov (there will be a 90% tax applied). The PC's have been invited to the Grand Ball of Restov in a few months (along with the other Charter Groups). Here they will meet this councilman, and possibly (hopefully) spot the ring on his finger (or perhaps on a chain around his neck). Some playful but serious banter about the charter groups draining the treasury when troops are needed will occur, etc. I fully expect if (when) the PC's spot the ring, they will follow/study this councilman....

What would a newly snared Councilman of Restov do to prepare for such encounters? The Party level will be 6 by then...possibly 7. I made him a Aristocrat8 (my Lord Mayor is lvl 10). He has Leadership, and I gave him a lvl6 Wizard (advisor) and a bunch of Fighter followers (bodyguards). I assume he is fairly wealthy.

He certainly is aware of the PC's (they are a Ranger(guide), Fighter, Cleric, Druid) and is privy to the reports they send each month plus has met them personally twice now (with all the other council members). From him, N knows the PC's are not "adventurer's, but settlers from he just hates them because N wants the stolen lands kept unsettled...he does not suspect them (yet). But, any suggestions for things such a person might do to prepare for the "foreshadowed" adventurer's?

Scarab Sages

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Not sure why you spoilered everything, but just in case you need it that way for responses:


His best strategy would be to "policy" their kingdom into dust.

He should be able to influence or engineer writs, policies, or commands from the local lord, king,etc to do the following to the PCs kingdom:

- increase taxes on their goods leaving the Stolen Lands
- increase taxes on goods being sold to them, which would increase the price
~~ One excuse for this could be the danger involved, requiring the PCs to build armies to patrol the roads and protect the merchants or pay the extra taxes. Either way its costs them.

- require all mercenary companies, colonial groups, or whatever you call your 4 parties going into the Stolen Lands to ask permission to raise troops and then register them. This allows the council to disallow a troop buildup or at least make them pay the registration fee to authorize them, both of which will be annoying and restrictive to the PCs.

- Require them to have representatives of Gorum and Abadar in their lands, and require them to provide for these factions by building churches, paying the salaries of the clergy, etc. While this won't cost a lot, it could be annoying, especially as it is once again telling the PCs what to do.

- Require that representatives of colonies remain in their colony for three weeks of every month. Don't do this if you have a very law abiding party as it could kill the AP, but otherwise this is one law they will definitely have to break in developing their kingdom.

- Require them to petition the council for everything from building a hut to buying a wagon.

- Lastly, require that every charter be reviewed by the council for renewal each year, and a re-confirmation fee (that is steep) be paid by the PCs.

The bottom line is he should be extremely annoying and disruptive to everything and anything he can regarding the players crafting their new kingdom.

Obviously many of these won't pass or be enforceable, but thats okay. The main point is to be as annoying and disruptive as humanly possible for the players. Perhaps even initially he does it thru cutouts and agents, requiring the PCs to uncover the true opponent.

Have your main party faces roll off against him every time he tries anything, requiring them to come to Restov to counter him. Some of these rolls should succeed no matter what, as they are times he bribed other council members or creating voting blocs to ensure his success no matter the PCs rolls. This type of situation would require them to go into Brevoy and find and hire barristers, politicians, and agents to help counter his schemes. Could be a fun challenge for the party and a taste of things to come later in their own kingdom, unless they are very hack and slashy as a group.

Just some random thoughts about how a bureacrat can make an adventurer's life a living hell... :)

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Politics Is Fun:

- One of the PCs' ruling council members is a mole for this Restovian city councilman. You should figure out which one it is, then wen the PCs make any kingdom role that relies on his stance or on his position for bonuses, privately take away those bonuses, and even apply a penalty. Don't say anything to the PCs. Eventually, they are going to realize they missed a check they should have made. When they do, they may ask you what's going on ... and just tell them, "You assume your council members are all loyal." Paranoia is a good thing. Is it the spymaster? Is it the treasurer? Is it the magister? Is it the butler? The council member could be under a charm spell. He could be evil. He could be under blackmail. He could have been bribed.

- Varnhold and Fort Drelev both provide potential hooks. This councilman may attempt to foment bad blood between the PCs and their neighbors ... perhaps by doing favors for the PCs!! It's all well and good if the PCs' fledgling barony gets, say, exclusive rights to supply iron ore and fish to Restov. But what if Varnhold tries to supply those items as well, but Restov says, "I'm sorry, but we are already accepting deliveries only from the PCs"? I expect Mr. Varn will want to have some words with them.

- This councilman secretly sends support -- weapons, trade goods, etc. to Hargulka and/or a new wannabe bandit lord. As Hargulka and/or bandits harry the PCs' kingdom, Restov's city council offers support (say fifty gold and a small homestead) to any family that wants to relocate from the PCs' kingdom to get away from the bandits. Alternatively, the councilman could encourage Varnhold or Fort Drelev to do the same.

great ideas! this is the pivotal event that starts the PC's losing their sponsorship (already pretty much required per the AP) - depending how they handle the situation will determine the cost of the "break" with Restov.


oh yeah - I am replacing most of module 4 with Courts of the Shadow Queen...N has an agent looking for the sword as well as any "adventuring parties" looking for swords (a "tall pale elf with pale blue eyes, dressed in bizarre but fine clothing, not from any known lands around here"). This "elf" assaulted the Lord Commander of the City watch with spells whilst he slept, interrogating him about any "adventurer's looking for swords" and also about the PC's - he told this "elf" (under a spell he had to tell the truth) that the PC's were working for the Crown, and had a charter to settle, not adventure...and that they had settled (the "truth"). Turns out this Lord Commander used to be the drinking buddy of one of the PC's (back story) so he confided in him. This "elf" ends up being the Hidden Ambassador from the Shadow Court...having failed to make progress on the sword or the adventurer's (IMKM, N and the Summer Queen are the same, but out of phase - when the Winter King rules, N can operate...when the Summer Queen rules, the Count can operate (on the shadow plane). N has lost much of her powers, so is "flighty" and forgetful now (if the PC's kill all of the repositories of these powers, she will be much more powerful when they meet her). All of this will be kicked off after AP3...

Almost had a TPK tonight - Dancing Lady enters and starts her dance (they had just burned the swarms and were dealing with the Quickling). I explained it that anyone attracted to women was at a -2 to save (the PC's are all male characters, although 3 are played by women) - two immediately declared themselves to be gay (elf druid and aasimar cleric), which could have repercussions in the shadow court... luckily one PC used a hero point before, and 3 PC's used them after (otherwise all would have failed instead of just 1) Love it when the hero points get spent (and they all just got them from leveling...heh heh heh)

Just some random thoughts about how a bureacrat can make an adventurer's life a living hell... :)

Atlas Games' Dynasties and Demagogues has a random bureaucracy table.

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