Modern Pathfinder?

Product Discussion

Is there any chance that Paizo will produce a modern version of Pathfinder? Me and my group really enjoyed playing Modern D20 but we all agree that Pathfinder is a superior system when compared to Modern. We have been paying attention to all advanced tech popping up in pathfinder with androids, robots and of course firearms. Which is giving us hope that a Modern version is on the way. Is there any legality issues that would keep a Pathfinder Modern game from being produced?

There is a third-party PFRPG version of the modern rules here.


And that just happens to be in the IndieGoGo bundle of 74 pdfs for $25! Shameless plug.

It has nothing to do with legality. D20 modern was actually part of the OGL as well. So someone could theoretically do the same thing paizo did with 3.5 with d20 modern. The problem is that paizo isnt going to do it. Not in the forseable future at least. Basically they wont because it would hurt their business model and force them to drastically expand their staff. Paizo doesnt just make game rules. They make a host of supporting products including maps, cards, adventures, campaign setting material, DM aids, and ofcourse rulebooks. If they were to do a modern or future game, Lisa Stevens has stated it would mean nearly doubling Paizo's staff to accomodate all those other products along with the ruleset, all the while it would split their audience as most people wont be buying for both in equal numbers. So basically dont look for it from paizo, because it isnt likely to happen.

That said there are some 3rd party cracks at it with the promise of a few more in the future. My personal preference is for the supergenius games anachronistic adventures line, which is the start of a modern ruleset compatable with pathfinder, but not a complete one (yet).


Yes, SGG has the anachronistic line, and Owen Stephens is using much of that (from why I know of the subject) to build Warlordsof the Apocalypse, which will very much be like a D20 Modern offering.

The Modern Path SRD is here:

Liberty's Edge

I recall a similar thread in which James (IIRC) said that a Chronicles edition that deals with modern setting may be a possibility. I suspect that the success of "Rasputin Must Die" will be a significant driving force.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

There's Modern Path and the Anachronistic Adventurers line. Apocalypse World looks to be the real icebreaker as far as doing a setting that isn't high fantasy. What Super Genius Games has done is part of what emboldened me to kickstart Conquest of the Universe.

RJGrady wrote:
Apocalypse World looks to be the real icebreaker as far as doing a setting that isn't high fantasy.

I think you mean the setting, "Warlords of the Apocalypse."

Apocalypse World is a different game.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

doh! Right you are.

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