Paths of Prestige: 2 Missed Prestige Classes

Lost Omens Products

The Exchange

Just so you know, the table of previously printed prestige classes on page 3 of "Paths of Prestige" is missing 2 entries: "Balanced Scale of Abadar" from Guide to Katapesh, pg 54 and "Daivrat, The Genie's Friend" from Qadira, Gateway to the East, pg 20.


They're also missing:

Shackles Pirate (OGL version of the Campaign Setting)

Brightness Seeker (Elves of Golarion sourcebook)

Living Monolith (Osirion sourcebook)

Lionblade (Taldor sourcebook)

Spherewalker (Desna article in RotRL 2)

Chevalier (Cayden Cailean article in Second Darkness 2)

Pain Taster (Drow article in Second Darkness 3; also contains the Demonic Initiate, but that looks like it became the Demoniac in Book of the Damned 2/Lords of Chaos)

Liberator (Second Darkness Player's Guide)

Genie Binder (genie-binding article in Legacy of Fire 4)

It could well be that they all need some conversion work done before they are "Pathfinder-ready", as they are from the OGL era (before the Pathfinder RPG was actually published). Some were a bit too over-powered (e.g., Shackles Pirate).


Oops, looks like we did miss the Daivrat prestige class in that list. Sorry about that!

As for the other prestige classes listed in this thread, Bellona is correct—we chose to only include prestige classes that were made for the Pathfinder RPG, so ones designed during the 3.5 era were not included.

Sovereign Court Developer

The Shackles Pirate prestige class from the old Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting was not really Shackles-themed, and was replaced by the Inner Sea Pirate prestige class in Pirates of the Inner Sea.

Will the older, 3.5-era prestige classes eventually be updated for Pathfinder in future products?

Sovereign Court Developer

As far as I know, there is no official plan to update all of the 3.5 prestige classes to Pathfinder. However, if there is good reason to do so, and they fit the them of a particular book, then we will certainly take a look at some of the older prestige classes and update them to Pathfinder as necessary.

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