Trianii |
So I'm trying to design a bard archetype that uses bardic performance to call on the power of good deities, healing those in need through song, dance, etc. They're meant to be an additional option for divine support, able to serve as a party's primary healer if needed. This is my idea for the archetype so far, though I would like some feedback on balance or other concerns:
Sacred Performer (Bard Archetype)
Alignment: Any good.
Focused: A sacred performer does not gain the bardic knowledge, lore master, or jack-of-all-trades abilities.
Spells: A sacred performer's spells are drawn from the bard spell list, but her spells are divine, not arcane. Likewise, her cantrips are replaced by orisons, but still use the 0-level spells from the bard spell list. In addition, each sacred performer also adds all of the cure spells to her list of spells known (cure spells include all spells with “cure” in the name). These spells are added as soon as the sacred performer is capable of casting them.
Bardic Performance: A sacred performer gains the following type of bardic performance:
Healing Song (Su): A sacred performer can spend 1 round of bardic performance to create an effect equivalent to a cure light wounds spell on any creature within 90 ft., using her bard level as her effective caster level. For every three levels she attains beyond 1st, the sacred performer can target one additional creature with this ability. At 6th level, she may use 2 consecutive rounds of bardic performance to instead grant any one creature within range the benefit of cure moderate wounds, using her bard level as her caster level. At 18th level, she can spend 2 consecutive rounds of bardic performance to grant the effect of cure moderate wounds to as many creatures within range as her level will permit. If this ability is used on creatures to which positive energy is harmful (such as undead), the affected creatures receive Will saving throws (DC = 10 + 1/2 the sacred performer’s level + the sacred performer’s Cha modifier); if successful, the affected creatures take only half damage. This ability replaces the fascinate, suggestion, and mass suggestion bardic performances.
Sacred Magic (Ex): At 2nd level and every four levels thereafter, a sacred performer can add one spell to her spells known from the cleric spell list. The spell must be of a level she can cast. This ability replaces versatile performance.
Any thoughts on this? Any helpful advice would be most appreciated. Thanks!

Trianii |
Thanks for the input. I'm trying to figure out a better way to scale Healing Song as well, as the way the archetype is set up now, a mid-to-high-level Sacred Performer would gain a LOT of additional healing (though she does have to balance this with her other bardic performances, so it still is a trade-off).