PC backstory clarification

Rise of the Runelords

I'm currently running my PCs through Burnt Offerings and wanted to start working some of their backstories into it. Since I haven't read through the entire adventure path I wanted to run one by you guys to see if it makes sense. This is an elf ranger:

Savrez was born in the town of Crying Leaf in the Mierani Forest. When he was young he went on his first hunt with is family. While hunting they were ambushed by the Drow. Savrez escaped and hid in a hollowed out tree. Savrez was found by a pack of bears and he was raised as one of them. At the age of 80, Savrez grew tired of the life in the forest and set out to explore the world and find out what happened to the elves of Crying Leaf and the rest of his family. Crying leaf was abandoned when he finally returned.

I think he may be confusing Crying Leaf and Celwynvian. What do you guys think? Is there a Drow presence in RotRL that I can tie this into?


There is no drow presence at all in Rise of the Runelords.

While some of the elves in the Meriani Forest do know that the drow exist (and of the drow connection to the abandonment of the elven capital of Celwynvian thousands and thousands of years ago), most do not.

Outside of elven society, no one knows about the drow: their very existence is a deeply-guarded secret among those elves in the know. Essentuially no non-elves have the slightest inkling about the existence of the Drow... until the events of the Second Darkness adventure path, of course.

The drow are the principal antagonists of the Second Darkness adventure path. Their existence is supposed to be a major revelation and a big shock to the surface world. The secret of the abandonment of the former elven capital of Celwynvian, and the heavy military presence in the village of Crying Leaf are all explained in that path.

For this game, I'd recommend choosing a different antagonist for this PC's background. Bugbears, goblins, or Chelish slavers would be good choices.

Of course, it's your game, so do what's best for you and your players!

Thanks for clearing that up for me. I might look into either changing the antagonists in his story, or do a bit more research on the Drow now that I know where to look. Thanks again.

I was just looking through Armageddon Echo and read about Shalelu being from Crying Leaf(!) and how she spotted the green dragon Razorhorn. I was planning on having her accompany the party to Thistletop in tomorrow's session. I don't think I could ask for a better story hook!

Silver Crusade

Bear in mind Celwynvian is very dangerous and the Elves of Crying Leaf make sure that no-one goes there.

I'm certainly not taking them there anytime soon, if ever. Maybe the dragon has a bit of wanderlust? :D

Sixteenbiticon wrote:
I was just looking through Armageddon Echo and read about Shalelu being from Crying Leaf(!) and how she spotted the green dragon Razorhorn. I was planning on having her accompany the party to Thistletop in tomorrow's session. I don't think I could ask for a better story hook!

Yes! This! I was just about to suggest this. I've actually had a PC that had a run-in with razorhorn as well. He deserted Celwyvinian and his duties as a ranger to slum around in Riddleport bars. For runelords I'd cement the ties to Shalelu and Sandpoint itself, and try not to add any principle antagonist to the backstory that wont appear in the Adventure Proper.

Good call :D

Actually, Twigs, I'm going the opposite route and planning on working the entire Celwynvian encounter into RotRL when my PCs reach the appropriate level. In my world Crying Leaf is demolished so I might use Riddlepoint as a hub. Now if only my other two PCs would write their backstories. Damn lazy players!

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