Witch Hunter: TheInvisible World 2nd Edition Kickstarter

Other RPGs

Grand Lodge

Hey all,

Paradigm Concepts has launched the Kickstarter for the 2nd Edition of Witch Hunter: The Invisible World. Please check it out and donate if you so choose.

There are special donation tiers for those who want to play the Organized Play Campaign that will be launching at Origins. Currently it is only Werewolves (and they sold out quick) but more is coming!

Just go HERE!

Clint Blome
Campaign Head for Witch Hunter: Revelations

I see they posted some of the rules changes..

good stuff.

seems like the refined the system quite a bit.

Grand Lodge

I think so too, but I am a bit biased.

I'm certainly interested enough to back the KS.

Sadly, all the "special PC" donation tiers are taken!

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