Thuvasa3 |

Hello everyone,
I had a question about the spirit planchette. To my read, it seems like you are to survive or defeat a haunt, putting it in it's dormant state, and then use the spirit planchette at the location of the haunt to communicate with it.
Given that Vesorianna takes care of the Big Five (Splatter Man, Lopper, etc.) once you defeat them, I was wondering how the spirit planchette is meant to be used in the game?
I.e. Would you let the PCs use it from ANYWHERE to find out more info about the Big Five, or just have it as a minor item included for flavor that doesn't really get used?

Nails |

My party used it all the time, even after Harrowstone.
Even if the Big Five are defeated and gone Harrowstone is still a hotbed of paranormal activity. Even if isn't the Lopper per-se some wandering mook spirit who happens to be in the area can give exposition. Such limited exposition as the ouija board is able to provide, that is, what with the one word answers and all.