Kindle Fire HD - viewing to TV


Here's a few questions that probably have simple answers. I got a Kindle Fire HD (the 8.9 inch one) recently and I'm an Amazon Prime member. I've used it to watch some movies on the display but it appears to have an HDMI output. I don't recall it coming with an HDMI cable with that smaller connector on the Kindle end. Is the cable it uses a fairly standard one and if so which one?

Also, does hooking up this cable and connecting it to the HDMI input for my TV just make the TV an HD monitor without doing anything special?

If the answer to the previous question is yes, and I can use my Kindle Fire effectively as a set top box for watching Amazon Prime movies and TV shows, is there a remote control that would work with it, or do I just need to use the Kindle display as my control?


Yes. It works as you think it does. You just need a mini hdmi cable. They are a few dollars. Not sure about remotes, I have just used the display in the past.

Great, thanks! I'll have to give that a try and see how it looks.

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