Will fighter types get upgraded version of combat animation at higher level?

Pathfinder Online

Hi, in gothic 2 when you've the character's weapon skill exceeding a certain amount, the skill level would change and the character would get a n improved combat animation. Since normally there are less things a fighter can do than other classes especially in a mmo (climb tree, grapple, sunder,exotic weapons like net/mancatcher, etc.), will there be some kind of combat style upgrade (not "cool down attacks") for a fighter type?

Goblin Squad Member

Well, since we are all potentially "fighter types", they may have to have higher tier anaimations for each weapon type.

I seriously doubt they will, but it would be nice if they did.

First off, there's no kind of 'autoattack' system in PFO. Any attacks you use will cost 'Stamina' and you get a certain amount of it every 6 seconds to carry out attacks. What I'm hoping for is that higher level combat 'feats' and skills will have cooler animations.

Hopefully that will be the difference between level 1 combat animations and level 20 combat animations. Higher level skills have more elaborate animations. Weapons and their keywords should also figure in here somehow, I would think since those keywords determine what kind of skills we can use with them...

Perhaps even different weapon tiers can have different animations, although that doesn't 100% make sense.

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