[Super Genius] The Genius Guide to 110 Spell Variants vol. 4

Product Discussion

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

The Genius Guide to 110 Spell Variants vol. 4 is now available!

Spell variants are based on the idea that there are a lot of interesting effects you can make with fairly minor changes to how a spell works, or by combining effects of multiple spells, or a spell and magic item or even a class ability. While a lot of spell variants are fairly obvious, such as having a major magic missile spell that deals 1d8+1 per missile rather than 1d4+1. This book brings 110 spells variants that are slightly more complex, and are designed to show how it’s possible to create new spells without too much work.

Or, as my favorite djin likes to say Phenomenal cosmic power, ity bity living space.

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