29x22 inch printable battle map for The Midnight Mirror's Boroi Manor


2 people marked this as a favorite.

I thought I should share my printable battle map for Boroi Manor from the module The Midnight Mirror.

It's 29x22 inches, 150 dpi, downloadable as a big jpeg.

Liberty's Edge

cool, thanks!!

Update: I completed battle maps for Boroi Manor, The Chandlery and The House of Night. You can view all of them here.

Spoiler alert for those who haven't played this one yet!!! Practically my entire site is a spoiler alert intended for GMs only.

Hey kwirky88! Just dropping by to tell you that I am going to run Midnight Mirror on roll20 and your maps are a huge help!

Thank you so much for the great work!

Silver Crusade

Just wanted to say thanks for the bringing this post back from the dead & thanks to kwirky88 for the time in designing the maps. I may use the Foxglove Manor for the Tarascon Manor in "Night of the Walking Dead".

Good to see some free module-type battlemaps. ;)

This is awesome, Thanks

Anyone still have these around? Looks like the link no longer exists :(

The Exchange

Same! I wanna try DMing for the first time, and I have no idea how to map maps! Well, maps for roll20.

Try pfsprep.com - I'll make sure my version of it is uploaded if this one isn't already there.

EDIT: Have the maps but need to convert to PDF... will up be shortly on pfsprep.com.

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