Majestic8705 |
Hello all,
I'm posting this here on behalf of our GM. We're looking to start up a weekly Pathfinder game on Wednesdays (either late afternoon, early evening). We have a GM, and three confirmed players and we're looking for one or two more to balance out the party. We will be running the Carrion Crown AP.
The sessions will take place at Jon's (one of the players) apartment which is about five minutes walk from the Bramalea bus terminal (Bramalea is basically Brampton). What else...
Oh, it'll be a 20 point buy, 2 traits, one of which has to be a campaign trait. All Paizo material is permissible. Non-Paizo is case-by-case and up to the GM's discretion.
The party make up so far:
Me -- a 'switch hitter' Ranger.
Jon -- a Harrower (will go Oracle or Sorcerer for entry depending on what is lacking)
Peter -- a combat Rogue.
and then our GM.
If you're keen, please feel free to PM me or reply to this thread. I promise to check it at least once a day until we find our player or we abandon the game.