Recommended high tier scenarios?

GM Discussion

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, West Virginia—Charleston

My apologies if this has been asked before. I've seen a lot of threads regarding general recommendations for scenarios and good scenarios for newbies, but I haven't seen much in regards to higher tier stuff. My groups are getting to the point where we can regularly field tables of tier 5-9 and 7-11 scenarios, and I was hoping to get some suggestions on some good scenarios at those tiers, especially because many of them have very few reviews. Any help would be appreciated.


Well, what exactly are you looking for? Challenge or middle of the road? Story oriented or combat oriented? Is your group a group of optimizers? We need more to go on to be able to recommend scenarios.

Grand Lodge 2/5

If your parties love Gold, and that is one of their primaray driving factors, steer clear of all season 0 scenarios at tier 7-11. What playstyle your players have are other factors to consider.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, West Virginia—Charleston

I tend to prefer RP-heavy scenarios, and my players like a lot of challenge. I think I'd prefer something with a great story and a few, tough combats.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If those are your criteria, I would have to recommend 3-17 Red Harvest and 4-08 The Cultist's Kiss.


Iammars wrote:
If those are your criteria, I would have to recommend 3-17 Red Harvest and 4-08 The Cultist's Kiss.

I was actually about to recommend the exact same scenarios. :p

Edit: Also, for 5-9's, I really liked #4-06 The Green Market and #4-03 The Golemworks Incident (not RP heavy but I found it kind of creepy). I can't think of many RP-heavy 5-9's, actually, other than #3-10 The Immortal Conundrum, but that is very, VERY RP heavy and doesn't really pack the punch that you're looking for.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

For challenge at 5-9 consider the "Heresy of Man" series. It has a well-deserved reputation for being brutally hard, though some of the season 4 scenarios can be worse. There isn't much RP, though if you are running them all for the same group you can definitely make the story come fully to life. Just make sure you read up on all the abilities ahead of time or you may have huge headaches.

Light level effects have a major role in one particular combat

Wonders in the Weave parts I and II could be good as well. Part I is a challenging dungeon crawl (especially at the high tier) and Part II has a great RP story.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, West Virginia—Charleston

Belafon wrote:

For challenge at 5-9 consider the "Heresy of Man" series. It has a well-deserved reputation for being brutally hard, though some of the season 4 scenarios can be worse. There isn't much RP, though if you are running them all for the same group you can definitely make the story come fully to life. Just make sure you read up on all the abilities ahead of time or you may have huge headaches.

** spoiler omitted **

Wonders in the Weave parts I and II could be good as well. Part I is a challenging dungeon crawl (especially at the high tier) and Part II has a great RP story.

I ran the Wonders in the Weave series a few weeks ago and was honestly rather unimpressed. We did it at high tier, and the party smoked it. The RP was OK, but it suffered due to the language barrier.

Dark Archive 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

Haunting of Hinojai can have great RP if you get into it, interesting challenges and potentially tough fights.

There's room for interesting RP if they save the woobie in King of the Storval Stairs, and it can be challenging depending on their tactical package.

I find that Golden Serpent has some good RP opportunities with a good dungeon crawl, ymmv depending on table comp.

Rebel's Ransom is a very cool dungeon crawl with RP and flavor and good puzzlish bits.

Sniper in the Deep will present different challenges for them.

Fortune's Blight and Jester's Fraud are also excellent.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

Netopalis wrote:
I ran the Wonders in the Weave series a few weeks ago and was honestly rather unimpressed. We did it at high tier, and the party smoked it. The RP was OK, but it suffered due to the language barrier.

I'm guessing in Part I they

Avoided swimming through the flooded room by one of several options. Depending on how you run that room, it can be EXTREMELY hazardous to people who are proud of their inability to be hurt.

I have been disappointed by the number of players who ignore the RP aspects of the game to the extent of not even considering things like comprehend languages or tongues as worthwhile spells to have available in any form.

All the scenarios I have played or GMed where there was a potential language barrier either took place in an extremely remote place (with corresponding hazardous journey to reach) or were under extreme time pressures, forcing the developers to include alternative means of communication to avoid the "you didn't memorize spell X, you lose" trap. I'd like to see one with a language barrier somewhere on Kortos or something similar where the players have to say "Oops, we need to get a few scrolls. We'll go back to Absalom and try again in 4 days." That'll larn them!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, West Virginia—Charleston

Belafon wrote:
Netopalis wrote:
I ran the Wonders in the Weave series a few weeks ago and was honestly rather unimpressed. We did it at high tier, and the party smoked it. The RP was OK, but it suffered due to the language barrier.

I'm guessing in Part I they

** spoiler omitted **
I have been disappointed by the number of players who ignore the RP aspects of the game to the extent of not even considering things like comprehend languages or tongues as worthwhile spells to have available in any form.

All the scenarios I have played or GMed where there was a potential language barrier either took place in an extremely remote place (with corresponding hazardous journey to reach) or were under extreme time pressures, forcing the developers to include alternative means of communication to avoid the "you didn't memorize spell X, you lose" trap. I'd like to see one with a language barrier somewhere on Kortos or something similar where the players have to say "Oops, we need to get a few scrolls. We'll go back to Absalom and try again in 4 days." That'll larn them!

Wonders in the Weave:
They entered that room and swam around for a bit, but because they didn't have a divine caster, they realized that they had no way of dealing damage to the swarms. As a result, they correctly deduced that there must be an alternative means of getting through the room, and they jumped down the pit in the stairs.
Liberty's Edge

Iammars wrote:
If those are your criteria, I would have to recommend 3-17 Red Harvest and 4-08 The Cultist's Kiss.

+1 on The Cultist's Kiss - its probably one of my favorite PFS scenarios, and it fits the bill for what you've described. There are plenty of opportunities to delve into the story and motivations for the NPCs.

Note - it can very easily run on the long side, so if you're in a tight time slot, be sure to know when to encourage the party to move along. If you don't have a constraint, it can easily run for 5-6 hours.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, West Virginia—Charleston

Adam Freed wrote:
Iammars wrote:
If those are your criteria, I would have to recommend 3-17 Red Harvest and 4-08 The Cultist's Kiss.

+1 on The Cultist's Kiss - its probably one of my favorite PFS scenarios, and it fits the bill for what you've described. There are plenty of opportunities to delve into the story and motivations for the NPCs.

Note - it can very easily run on the long side, so if you're in a tight time slot, be sure to know when to encourage the party to move along. If you don't have a constraint, it can easily run for 5-6 hours.

Long? Perfect! I'll schedule it. I have a tendency to run extremely, extremely short sessions.


Really, warning, though. When I played it, it was 8 hours long, and apparently the GM who had played it before said it took their group 7 hours. So long may be actually long.

Was also a great session when I played it, although also very scary.

4/5 ****

The Heresy of Man trilogy for 5-9 may be good. It's challenging, there's cool Golarion flavor and part 3 tends to run quite long.

Grand Lodge 4/5

For interesting, challenging situations, including some potentially deadly RP, I would recommend 2-25 You Only Die Twice (5-9).

If they don't pay attention to the VC's introduction, but just do the Chalice willy-nilly, they cold kill themselves if they take any damage at all. And, of course, there is the encounter with the normal Pharasmites... Depending on the party and the options they come up with, that can become an RP encounter, or it can turn into a "WTF?! We just had to kill some of the good guys!" moment.

At high tier, the haunt can be ugly, remember that the haunt is essentially casting a Heal spell, with the PCs being affected by their current condition...

And, of course, that final encounter seemed ugly to my group, but that may have been because my PC was a Dex-based combat maneuver fighter, not a BBDF type.

2-08 The Sarkorian Prophecy (7-11) has some interesting RP moments, and also has the PCs entering the area of the Worldwound. Maybe it can be used to foreshadow Season 5?

If your party is Paladin-heavy, or has other ways to Smite Evil, then some of the combats may seem very easy, instead of the ugly things they are for less smite-happy crews.

And, of course, against most parties, that last encounter would probably last more than a round or two. I played it with my archer with the Andoran trait Hunter's Eye. The only time I have ever gotten any use out of that trait, and that only because the bad guy started out at about 180' from the party. He wasn't, quite, prepared for an archer being able to full attack him while taking no range penalty, and him being limited to long range spells only...

Silver Crusade 5/5

The best high tier (5-9 or 7-11) scenarios I've run or played, by season:
Season 1: Hall of Drunken Heroes
Season 2: Wrath of the Accursed
Season 3: Haunting of Hinojai
Season 4: The Cultist's Kiss

I don't think I've seen any of those from Season 0.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

If you like puzzles, there isn't one much better than Rebel's Ransom.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Red Harvest.

'nuf said

Silver Crusade 5/5

I ran #2-12 Beneath the Silver Tarn the other day and MAN was that a sleeper scenario. I was honestly caught completely off guard at how awesome and epic it was. It left my on the edge of their seat and sweating and hi fiving when they succeeded.


7-11 tend to run long, 6 hours would be good to cover high tier.

Season 0 King Xeros
Season 1 Hall of Drunken Heroes
Season 2 The Mantis Prey
Season 3 Portal of the Sacred Rune
Season 4 Cultist Kiss

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