Zantumal |
So... my wife and I are actually taking a real vacation this year for the first time in probably the last 10 years or more. Besides ReaperCon that I went to by myself approximately 4 years ago, this would be my only other con that I attended (will attend future tense?) to date.
At what point will whatever PFS gaming events be released and how does one register for them?
What other kind of events could one expect to see at PaizoCon this year?
What is said lottery that I read of?
Is there anywhere one could see last years itinerary to get an idea of what to expect?
My wife and I are also attending the banquet - to me "banquet" infers that food will be involved. So, this event will be "showing off upcoming Paizo and Pathfinder products, as well as super-secret things" and possibly sitting next to Paizo staff while I eat, yes? (If yes) who do we need to contact in regards to dietary restrictions?
Adam Daigle Developer |
Glad you're thinking about heading out this way for PaizoCon. I'll see what I can do with answering some of these.
At what point will whatever PFS gaming events be released and how does one register for them?
I know the PFS guys have the show sorted out and everyone else is getting the schedule sorted, so I'd assume fairly soonish. Not sure exactly when, but it will be available in ample time.
What other kind of events could one expect to see at PaizoCon this year?
In addition to PFS games (of which there will be plenty) there will be seminars on dozens of topics, special games of all sorts of systems and styles, staff-run games, open gaming spaces, and other activities.
What is said lottery that I read of?
The lottery is a fair method of gathering attendee's desired special games and assigning them. Basically, a little while after the schedule goes live, the lottery is opened up and people rate games and events in the order of desired attendance. Then the tech team's magical-digital gadgets chew on some code and make some people very happy and disappoints others, but good times are had regardless of the outcome. :)
Is there anywhere one could see last years itinerary to get an idea of what to expect?
I was looking around for one, but wasn't able to locate it in a reasonable time. Perhaps someone else will be more successful.
My wife and I are also attending the banquet - to me "banquet" infers that food will be involved. So, this event will be "showing off upcoming Paizo and Pathfinder products, as well as super-secret things" and possibly sitting next to Paizo staff while I eat, yes? (If yes) who do we need to contact in regards to dietary restrictions?
Yep, your inference is completely accurate about the banquet, but I don't know who to talk to about dietary restrictions. I'd guess customer service.
Hope some of that helps.
Zantumal |
mmmhuh... so... the lottery would be the how one registered for everything that they wanted to do... and that also extends into the PFS games as well? Secondarily why if I wanted to sit at the same table as my wife for games and events we have to be designated as "buddies." That makes more sense now.
When you say "Customer service" are you meaning... as in Paizo customer service or the hotel customer service - being a reasonable deduction of your response must be the banquet meal is being catered by the hotel?
Adam Daigle Developer |
Zantumal |
I have another odd newb question:
I have purchased two tickets and two banquet tickets for my wife and myself. Can I customize both sets (one for my wife and one for me), or will I need her to create a paizo account and transfer the set of tickets to her?
Create an account for your wife and transfer the set to her. While on her account then you can customize them. This much I figured out for my own sets.
Zantumal |
I've got a few more volley of questions now that the Lottery list has been released:
1) Reading through the descriptions I notice some say Game:Pathfinder and some say Game:Pathfinder RPG. There is no fundamental difference between those entries, yes? Or is the "Pathfinder" really Pathfinder Society? My example being The Bleak Bastion of Bastardhall. This one sounds like a preview of Year 5 PFS play? Yes no?
2) For games that DON'T list a level i.e. "MinionQuest II: Grumblejack Strikes Back" are we to guess that characters are provided at the table? Or, is that was it covered as a character to play as "Materials provided"?
3) For games that DO list a level i.e. "Sorrow" and don't explicitly define rules for a character we are creating in advance (like point build, equipment value limit ect.) - are we to assume PFS rules for building characters up to the indicated level OR do we need to have an official PFS character at that level? Or, again that is covered in the "Materials provided" and characters are given out it is only giving a mental framework of how advanced the game will be by saying "Level X"?
4) For games that Do list a level and defined rules, this could be considered a one shot use character, yes?
Being that I only have one PFS legal character at 1st level - I'm kind of confused on what I can and can't participate in through the lottery that are games. Seminars and panels are obvious that I could participate in, but the games are not.
Majuba |
No official answer here, but "Materials Provided" is generally pregens and miniatures (at least for RPG sessions).
None of the lottery events are Pathfinder Society events, and you won't need a PFS character or get PFS credit. Several events (in the past at least) which invited custom characters have used PFS rules to define what is allowed (along with page 399 in the Core Rulebook for starting wealth).
Pathfinder and Pathfinder RPG are probably the same 95% of the time. There might be an occasional "Pathfinder with a twist" for modern or post-modern games, but that is usually called out explicitly.
Fire Mountain Games |
As the guy running "MinionQuest II" I can assure you, all materials will be provided including pregenerated characters.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games