Alternate Human Race and another race I'd like critiqued.

Homebrew and House Rules

So, I decided that I'd like to make a couple of races for a couple of games I have coming up. The first is an alternate human build. I wanted them to go away from the skills and focus more on martial prowess. So, I based this new human race off of the Spartans, and named it in their honor. Here it is:

Spartan (8 RP)

Medium Humanoid (human)
30 foot movement speed
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma: Spartans are strong and hardy, but brash.
Bonus Feat: Spartans start off with a bonus feat that they qualify for.
Mountain Born (Ex): Spartans gain a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks to cross narrow ledges and on saving throws to avoid altitude fatigue and sickness.
Weapon Training (Ex): All Spartans are proficient with the gladius (closest thing I could find to the xiphos) and the longspear.
Languages: See human.

The other race is called a skulkling. They started off as the offspring of halfling slaves and skulks (not a pleasant union). Despite this, the race prospered on its own. They are the most personable creatures from the Darklands, but they still have that feeling of uncanny valley. They make decent trackers, though they are best suited to finding wounded creatures or the dead (or in some cases, the undead). They live underground mostly, where they have adapted perfect vision, and can see perfectly in any darkness. Since they are the most personable, they can act as emissaries for the Darklands if they wanted to (though this scenario would not likely happen). Skulklings rely upon the shadows to be their shield, and do not often engage in direct combat. When they do, they rely upon finesse, rather than brute strength to bring down their foes. Their physiology has been warped, and they are very frail. Despite this, skulklings boast an amazing resistance to venom, toxins, and poisons of various degrees. They are also resistant to many spells that attack the mind. Most skulklings, like their halfling kin, are neutral in alignment.

Skulkling (14 RP)

Humanoid (skulk)
Movement: Skulklings have a move speed of 30 feet.
Small: Skulklings gain a +1 size bonus to attack rolls and AC, but a -1 size penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus (CMB) and Combat Maneuver Defense (CMD). They also gain a +4 bonus to Stealth checks.
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -4 Constitution: Skulklings are quick and cunning, but very frail.
See in Darkness (Ex): Skulklings can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by spells such as deeper darkness.
Carrion Sense (Ex): Skulklings have a natural ability to sniff out carrion. This functions like the scent ability, but only for corpses and wounded creatures (creatures with 25% or fewer hit points).
Envoy (Su): Skulklings with an Intelligence of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day – comprehend languages, detect magic, detect poison, read magic.
Nimble Attacks (Ex): Skulklings receive Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.
Resistant (Ex): Skulklings gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws vs. poison and mind-affecting spells.
Underground Sneak (Ex): Skulklings gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy), Perception, and Stealth checks. The bonus to Stealth checks increases to +4 while underground.
Languages: All skulklings begin play speaking Undercommon. Skulklings with high Intelligence scores can choose any of the following bonus languages: Common, Abyssal, Aklo, and Draconic.

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