Can someone who has the CharacterFolio app tell me what it includes?

Homebrew and House Rules

I currently use Combat Manager from Kyle Olson and LOVE it! However, I need something that I can create NPCs easily for my Pathfinder game. I bought Hero Lab and even though it's very nice, to get all the Pathfinder content, you have to buy module after module which adds up pretty quickly.

I heard about CharacterFolio as an app for my iPad, but can't seem to figure out what is included as far as content. Is it only Core, or do they add all the supplements as they come out? Can you create non-traditional PC races, a la URG?

Please, if anyone out there has this app, can you tell me what it can do?

Thanks in advance,
-Strange Doc

Well, I guess no one has this app. I got it and it seems to have most everything up to and including many of the URG races. I have not checked all the functionality out yet though.

-Strange Doc

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