Order #2408767 - wrong minis

Customer Service

Scarab Sages

I just received my February subscription-plus-some-other-stuff shipment, and two of the minis I ordered got mis-packed. Instead of the Shattered Star Lem & Amiri I ordered, I got Runelords Stone Giant and Dire Bear. Turns out Lem & Amiri have the same numbers (38 & 39) as the Dire Bear & Stone Giant (38 & 39), so I'm guessing somebody pulled by number but from the wrong bin.

Can I get replacements for the Lem & Amiri in my next shipment? Do you folks want the Dire Bear & Stone Giant back?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

I've put replacements in with your March subscriptions. Please keep the Dire Bear and Stone Giant with our apologies for the error.

sara marie

Scarab Sages

Thanks Sara Marie. I really appreciate how cool you folks tend to be about issues like this. I know you usually don't require the wrong items returned, but I feel like I should ask anyway. 8^)

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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Don't think of them as the "wrong" minis. I mean, the Dire Bear is totally just Amiri when she is raging and the Stone Giant is Lem with a stoneskin spell applied ;)

Scarab Sages

@Sara Marie - I only just saw that response. That's awesome. 8^)

Unfortunately, I do have another complaint related to this. I just got my March sub shipment with the replacement minis. It was the right ones this time, but Amiri is missing her sword arm. It wasn't in the plastic baggie around the plastic holder, nor was it (as far as I can tell) in the shipping box.

Now, I know that WizKids has been doing the replacements for broken minis, not to mention Amiri is listed as Unavailable in your Singles section. So I've already filled out WizKids' web form, but I wanted to just let you folks know it happened, and can perhaps warn the warehouse folks that a broken single managed to slip through.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

Let us know if you have any issues getting your replacement.

sara marie

Scarab Sages

Thanks. Will do.

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