What could a settlement be?

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

I wander if i could fulfill a "settlement" in game terms with lets say a Gyps' (not sure how to spell that) Caravan. sure not when it release but could we see a moving "Settlement" I thought the idea was cool. I would so have a circus.

Goblin Squad Member

I could see a Gypsy Camp theme for a Settlement, but a Gypsy Caravan - which implies that it travels - is a very new idea, and a very interesting one.

That's an interesting idea. I'm not sure if it could be classified As a settlement, perhaps it could be a CC (Chartered Company). Perhaps you could provide entertainment, bardic song and dance, as well as resources your group gathers and sells at settlements you visit. It would be really cool if they add games of chance to PFO, you could be like a traveling carnival.

Goblin Squad Member

A gypsy caravan might be a new idea, but mobile settlements are not. We have been hunter gatherers for more of our history than we have been farmers. I personally love the idea of a mobile settlement.

If implemented, it also provides a mechanic for marching armies.

Goblin Squad Member

I could see this as traveling storage, some minor trading, training and entertainment, but nothing big, not near the functionality of a settlement.

I wouldn't mind seeing the ability to move a settlement, with a giant convoy and high susceptibility to attack, which increases the higher the settlement is advanced. But that's more pack up and move, not really gypsy like, since it would be infrequent.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I could see a Gypsy Caravan as potentially a resource for the Bardic arts.

Any Patrick Rothfuss fans here?

Goblin Squad Member

You say it would be lesser but but trade dose not move its self a moving caravan could make huge amounts of money bring rare good back and forth it might not have as much in the way of trading but make up for it finished goods. oh well its my goal in PFO to have one hell of a caravan one players will mistake for a in game event

Goblin Squad Member

Ohhhh.... I like this idea! It would be like the Spanish Treasure Fleet!

Bandits of the River Kingdoms unite! So that we can make history and sack and plunder this traveling settlement.

Goblin Squad Member

*Knuckle pop
come at me bro

Or we can work together and I can sell the stuff you can't because of what ever flag you might have over your head at the time.
so yes bandits unite but not in arms its time to trade.
The great caravan is here.

Goblin Squad Member

I think that in terms of defensiveness and potential crafting this caravan must be on par with fortified camp. That's logical, for there were such things in our past.

Goblin Squad Member

I recall making a similar proposal on a past thread, but called the proposed group nomads rather than Gypsies. Given the stress in PFO to be part of a settlement, replies at the time seemed to focus on such characters not being as successful and the topic died out. I'm glad to see a sense of optimism for it in this thread.

Personally, I think playing a wandering band would be rather fun. If you provided unique trade, entertainment, and/or services, your group's arrival could be something that settlements looked forward to every month or so, depending on how quickly you moved from location to location.

Goblin Squad Member

This sort of mechanic would be especially good where the players comprising the caravan included veterans who trade in rare materials and products. Their veteran powers would provide such a tempting target significantly more respectable firepower.

I would advocate that the caravan take up a neutral stance with regards to politics within the hexes. That way they could move freely across hexes and alignments and trade with every one. It would also make them a source of rumor and even knowledge as word of resource locations, rare mobs or just news like who controls what, or who's at war with who is picked up and carried from place to place by the caravan.

Goblin Squad Member

I could see this as a niche along a major trade route between hexes (diplomatic immunity numberplates glinting in the sunshine!).

Goblin Squad Member

Any hew my point was to brain storm on what a "settlements" is could it be a Druid/witch coven(highly specified skills but spars), a rouge's guild a "settlements" with in a settlements or other thing that don't meet the black and wight settlements(a town)idea but what could it be in game terms

Goblin Squad Member

I hope eventually a hidden settlement underneath the above-ground settlement might become feasible. An 'underground' where players of alignments unwelcome in the kingdom above can gather, venture from, and retreat to. Home of a 'black' market, a thieve's guild, the hidden realm of smugglers and other nefarious activities. A place beneath evil kingdoms where the Resistance meets in clandestine league, where the ragged priest nurtures the orphans.

Being wrote:
I hope eventually a hidden settlement underneath the above-ground settlement might become feasible. An 'underground' where players of alignments unwelcome in the kingdom above can gather, venture from, and retreat to. Home of a 'black' market, a thieve's guild, the hidden realm of smugglers and other nefarious activities. A place beneath evil kingdoms where the Resistance meets in clandestine league, where the ragged priest nurtures the orphans.

Now that's right up my alley! :D

Goblin Squad Member

What about nomadic tribes and nations, like the Mongolians.

Goblin Squad Member

Kyras Ausks wrote:
Any hew my point was to brain storm on what a "settlements" is could it be a Druid/witch coven(highly specified skills but spars), a rouge's guild a "settlements" with in a settlements or other thing that don't meet the black and wight settlements(a town)idea but what could it be in game terms

I can imagine a druidic "settlement" being in the deep forest (as deep as one can get in the starting area...hard to tell how deep that will be this early on), but it makes sense to be in the forest. Rangers may use this settlement type to train as well. Possibly barbarians... ...depends on the settlement alignment chosen.

Cities like we all think of will be best for fighters, clerics, maybe thieves (not welcome, but trainable...guess we need some "good" thieves as well), wizards, bards.

Speaking of bards, Kyras mentioned the caravan.....perfect for gypsies, bards, and thieves (no tramps here though), and when the caravan performed a trained skill called "Circle the Wagons" he/she could create a temporary base camp, training would become active, and folks that came to watch shows (actors, jugglers, bardic arts, fire-eating and sword-swallowing, magic tricks, story telling, etc...) could then train with all the trainers that would become active. After a day or two or three, the leader of that "settlement" (the settlement being the caravan iteslf) could call "Wagons-Ho!" and training would end, the members would pack up and the whole shebang could move to the next location. So, a portable settlement.

Witches, sorcerers, witch-doctors, assassins, other ne'er-do-wells and blackguards could make a large hideout or take over a cave complex and activiate their "Settlement" command to make trainers available. This could be a special skill (transportable settlement skill perhaps) where the leader could activate it and transform the caravan or cave complex into an ad-hoc city with training based on the various skilled trainers paid to move with the group (applies to the witch coven mentioned here as well as the caravan mentioned above).

Goblin Squad Member

Good thieves are needed for disarm, find traps, and they can be wicked fighters on the flank.

Goblin Squad Member

Hardin Steele wrote:
Kyras Ausks wrote:
Any hew my point was to brain storm on what a "settlements" is could it be a Druid/witch coven(highly specified skills but spars), a rouge's guild a "settlements" with in a settlements or other thing that don't meet the black and wight settlements(a town)idea but what could it be in game terms

I can imagine a druidic "settlement" being in the deep forest (as deep as one can get in the starting area...hard to tell how deep that will be this early on), but it makes sense to be in the forest. Rangers may use this settlement type to train as well. Possibly barbarians... ...depends on the settlement alignment chosen.

Cities like we all think of will be best for fighters, clerics, maybe thieves (not welcome, but trainable...guess we need some "good" thieves as well), wizards, bards.

Speaking of bards, Kyras mentioned the caravan.....perfect for gypsies, bards, and thieves (no tramps here though), and when the caravan performed a trained skill called "Circle the Wagons" he/she could create a temporary base camp, training would become active, and folks that came to watch shows (actors, jugglers, bardic arts, fire-eating and sword-swallowing, magic tricks, story telling, etc...) could then train with all the trainers that would become active. After a day or two or three, the leader of that "settlement" (the settlement being the caravan iteslf) could call "Wagons-Ho!" and training would end, the members would pack up and the whole shebang could move to the next location. So, a portable settlement.

Witches, sorcerers, witch-doctors, assassins, other ne'er-do-wells and blackguards could make a large hideout or take over a cave complex and activiate their "Settlement" command to make trainers available. This could be a special skill (transportable settlement skill perhaps) where the leader could activate it and transform the caravan or cave complex into an ad-hoc city with training based on the various skilled trainers paid to move with the group (applies to the witch coven...

Definitely some good ideas here. Definitely need the GW game designers to look here.

Even though I dislike bard for playing characters, I definitely love to see a gypsy caravan moving throughout the region, even putting up shop next to a large settlement. Activating training and putting on shows, have the diviners at work too. This would be an awesome event to watch.

Goblin Squad Member

Being wrote:
Good thieves are needed for disarm, find traps, and they can be wicked fighters on the flank.

A dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords at dawn.

Only the foolish turn a good thief away because of the trade they ply :)

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