Shades of Ice:The beginning

Reign of Winter

Silver Crusade

Will Shades of Ice PFS adventures be a good hook to start this AP?

Paizo Employee Developer

Shades of Ice was designed to be a self-contained story arc taking the PCs from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings to Irrisen, and then on to the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. You'll be missing out on a lot of the setup to the AP by setting it in a country that's already cold, traveling to Irrisen in search of a McGuffin not related to the AP (something that's a major part of the early books in the AP), and then leaving Irrisen to go do something else. I think you could mine encounters from part 2 of Shades of Ice, which takes place in Whitethrone, when running AP #68 and possibly some stuff from The Frostfur Captives (which takes place elsewhere in Irrisen), but I don't think there's a scenario that would fit perfectly into the AP without needing to adjust one or the other significantly to accomodate for their differing design goals.

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