How to scale between subtiers?

GM Discussion

My group and I GM Society scenarios on a rotating basis, and it is now my turn.

I want to GM the 3rd Season Level 1-5 scenario "The Frostfur Captives", and while there are two sub-tiers explicitly written out, the party I'm running this for are all level 3 (4-5 players). My quandary is that there are no guidlines for a level 3 party. Playing sub-tier 1-2 looks too easy and the monetary rewards seem somewhat lacking, whereas sub-tier 4-5 looks a bit tough for the party.

I was thinking of "splitting the difference" for encounters by assigning some creatures from each sub-tier, which would probably work mechanically however which mission rewards would I award? I would likely have to "split the difference" for Skill Check DCs and various saving throws, correct?

Would I be better off just going through a different mission with a sub-tier 3 specifically written?

I'm still pretty new to GM-ing, so any tips and tricks are greatly appreciated.

Grand Lodge 4/5

If their average party level works out to 3, the players have the option of playing 1-2 (safer, lower rewards) or 4-5 (more risk, more reward).

Grand Lodge 5/5

There is a formula in the Guide to Organized Play. Doesn't really help since you are still between tiers. You can't split the difference with the tiers. You either award Tier 1-2 or Tier 4-5 gold and ect.. So let the players choose and run the appropriate encounters.

Silver Crusade 4/5

As the others have said, you have to run the scenario as written. With all level 3 characters, that means they have the choice of playing at subtier 1-2 or 4-5, so either too easy or too hard.

Probably your best bet is to pick a different adventure. Frostfur Captives is fun, but there are plenty with a subtier 3-4 that you could pick instead. Look for adventures with a level range of 1-7 or 3-7, as those both have 3-4 subtiers.

Just don't pick Dalsine Affair or Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment, and you'll be fine. Those two are tough enough that you'll want the players to be level 4 (or 5) before playing the 3-4 subtier.

I'm thinking Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible is a fun one from season 1 with a 1-7 range. Or The Pallid Plague, but only if your group is skill heavy. Sewer Dragons of Absalom is a fun 3-7 adventure from season 3.

Or if you want to do an extra long adventure (at least two normal sessions in length), you could pick up a module. Feast of Ravenmoor is specifically a level 3 module, and a lot of fun.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Captain, Texas—Waco

If you're running this as an official PFS game and not just borrowing it for home play, you can't change the encounters or rewards.

If you want something more appropriate for 3rd level characters run a tier 1-7 or 3-7 scenario, they have sub-tier 3-4 available. I agree with Fromper, Sewer Dragons is great fun.

Thanks folks! I think I'll go with Sewer Dragons of Absolom followed by some other scenario to get my group up to level four, then go do Fostfur Captives.

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