Rage combat manuver

GM Discussion


Can a raging barbarian perform combat maneuvers, such as trip, disarm, overrun, and sunder, in society play?

"while in a rage a barb. cannot use any cha. dex. or int. based skills (except acrobatics, fly, intimidate, and ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration." - core rulebook p32

Liberty's Edge 5/5

I would say yes

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yup, that little bit from the core book applies to skills, not combat maneuvers.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Overrun and sunder, at least, sound like very natural things for a raging barbarian to do...

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Add me to the "sure they can use maneuvers" camp.

For what it's worth, there was a Rules thread a while back which discussed whether a mindless (i.e., no INT score at all) creature could use a 5ft step to avoid an AoO, or if they'd be so unaware of such a concept that they'd just blunder through threatened areas.

Sean K Reynolds chimed in to say "Nothing in the rules say that 5FS and other actions in the Combat chapter require a minimum Intelligence score to use them."

Now, if a mindless creature can use all the actions in the combat chapter, well, a raging barbarian shouldn't be "worse than mindless".

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Some of the rage powers in the APG grant overrun bonuses or a trip check, so they can certainly use them.

Add me to the "Yes" camp as well.

The Exchange 5/5

Not only can they use them, but with the rage power "Strength Surge" they can add their CL to their CMB and CMD for one round during each rage.

Trust me, when I come barreling down the corridor and drop a bull rush on my opponent at a CMB of +51, they are going to move.

5/5 *

As further proof, Amiri the iconic barbarian has "Improved Bull Rush" feat at 7th level in the NPC Codex, which leads you to believe that indeed you can.

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