Incorrectly Requesting new pathfinder #

Pathfinder Society

I received a pathfinder Society card at Winter Fantasy this weekend and played about 7 events with that number. However when i set up my account i incorrectly was assigned a new number and i do not know how to modify my Pathgfinder # in my profile. Any help?

Shadow Lodge 4/5

It happens. Send an e-mail to and they should be able to merge the numbers.


I have a question along the same lines. When I first started in PFS I registered 3 characters. I didn't really know what I was doing and I deleted my -2 character and have been playing with my -1 and -3. A little while ago I started a new level 1 to play in a scenario and I gave the GM my -2 number. I now realize that if I try to register a new character it goes to -4. Is there anyway to assign a -2 to a newly registered character?

(I've used 1,2, and 3 for simplifying my explanation the reality is I use 1, 4, and 6 and gave the GM a -3 number, if that matters)

Silver Crusade 5/5

As far as I know, you can't register a new character under the same number as a deleted one, at least not without help from Paizo staff. If you can somehow reach your GM, or whoever is responsible for reporting the scenario, the easiest thing would be just tell them what happened. They can just edit the scenario report and swap in the new number.

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