Sandpoint for PCs

Lost Omens Products

I love Sandpoint as a campaign start and setting; it's very nicely fleshed out from the get-go. My big issue at the moment is this:

The few books I have contain information on Sandpoint (such as the first installment of the old Rise of the Runelords set), but also other information that I really don't want my PCs to know about, in case I wind up running material from there. Is there any supplement that gives PCs a good understanding of Sandpoint without giving away GM-only information?

I do not have the Varisia Companion book yet, so I'm not sure if Sandpoint is covered in it.

Silver Crusade

use the rise of the runelords players companion, should be free to download from the main site.

Failing that, the first issue of the pathfinder comic has a page or three in the backmatter that you could use, provided you could get your hands on it. It's very simplistic, so it suits the majority of my players and potential players' attention spans.

As a player-friendly Sandpoint guide, I'd actually recommend the last three pages of the free Rise of the Runelords Players Guide for the original version. Most of the rest of the guide is heavy on the 3.5 crunch, and much of that info has been superseded by PFRPG equivalents.

For the crunch, I'd recommend the free RotRL Anniversary Edition Player's Guide, plus the Varisia: Birthplace of Legends Players Companion.

Good luck!

Grand Lodge

To answer your question, there is a page that is dedicated to Sandpoint in the Varisia Player's Companion, whether or not it is enough is for you to decide.

Haladir has the right idea though. The old Player's Guide, combined with the new Player's Guide, and Varisia: Birthplace of Legends is enough for them to have a starting point.

Then check the Rise of the Runlords Threads, there are many good ideas for fleshing Sandpoint out to make it a thriving town!

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