Odd kingdom placements?


We started book two last night and the nascent rulers chose to found their first city in the shadow of the Old Sycamore tree. I had a hard time covering my laughter with a cough because after months of sessions ... and well, months of in-game time as well ... both players and characters had all forgotten that there was a certain Giant Something Something still living down in the caves below the tree.

Now I know what my players were thinking. They're going to build their city at the base of the hill and then create themselves a little private dungeon under whatever they intended to build next to the tree. (Plus it's close to both mines.)

The characters were settling into their tents after a night of sitting around a bonfire and meeting some of their initial pioneers when the screaming started. And then, then they remembered what had been forgotten.

So, where have been some of the odd places kingdoms have been started?

Scarab Sages

My party really wanted to establish their capitol at the Stag Lords fort, but had already invested personal money in building out Oleg's, made agreements with local farmers, and put up protective walls. Also, right around the time they started kingdom building, I had bands of marauding barbarians semi-invade, so they chose to put down roots at Oleg's, and have only recently claimed the hex on the Tuskwater and build their new capitol city there. Not sure this counts as odd though...

redcelt32 wrote:
My party really wanted to establish their capitol at the Stag Lords fort, but had already invested personal money in building out Oleg's, made agreements with local farmers, and put up protective walls. Also, right around the time they started kingdom building, I had bands of marauding barbarians semi-invade, so they chose to put down roots at Oleg's, and have only recently claimed the hex on the Tuskwater and build their new capitol city there. Not sure this counts as odd though...

My players definitely want to move down towards the Stag Lord's hex. For the first couple rounds of kingdom building I'm not giving them the mechanics. They're kind of doing a "what would a new settlement need." First thing they built was a block of houses and a town hall. They were really happy to hear about the bonus they got for building that first.

If all goes to plan, my group will be picking their site in a session or two. I have added forestry and mining in addition to farming (to boost the economy in place of the magic mart), so the Stag Lord's fort is actually a poor choice because it's too far from plains or forest hexes.

One of the players did have the presence of mind to warn the others not to mess up the site of the Thorn River camp (they were going to let Garuum move in there), so he at least is thinking ahead and that may well end up being their starting point. It makes it easy to claim Oleg's (for a free building and two potential councillors) and the Temple of the Elk (for another free building and another potential councillor, since neither Jhod or the Levetons are going to take the job if it involves moving).

Thrund wrote:
It makes it easy to claim Oleg's (for a free building and two potential councillors) and the Temple of the Elk (for another free building and another potential councillor, since neither Jhod or the Levetons are going to take the job if it involves moving).

I don't recall exactly but I don't think my players ever considered Oleg or Svetlana for any positions. Kesten did reluctantly take a position on the council and the protection of Oleg's has been left in the hands of the 3 warriors he brought with him initially. (I went ahead and created backstory and full statblocks for his troops.) The party even took one of his men adventuring with them once.

Jhod is willing to take the day-long trip the new city. He's enlisted a few helpers around the temple. I think my party is going to adopt the 2-weeks of council meetings and then 6-weeks of crafting / adventuring cycle.

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