Avatars have left the building

Website Feedback

My avatars for my aliases are gone. They do show up in the game thread but that's it.

Edit: Actually, any avatar that's not located in a thread are gone. For instance: If I click on the "Players" tab of a pbp, all of the avatars are gone.

Yeah, there's no pictures on my profile or aliases tab, even though they're all there in the messageboard threads. I'm using Chrome.

Same here, and one of my pbp's has disappeared from my campaign page.

If you have a PbP missing, it's possible you accidentally hid the game thread using the Hide Thread button. (If you try to hide a thread in the messageboards but there have been new posts in other threads since you refreshed the page, the boards tend to hide the thread in the position in the list you clicked on at the time, while the thread you intended to hide just moves down in the list.) Look in the main Play-by-Post forums using the Show Hidden option and see if you can find it grayed out and unhide it.

What Joana said. It got hidden somehow and I have that other issue with the hide function. It's unrelated to the missing pics. Sorry!

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

Sorry about that, the missing avatar images was a loose thread that should be tied up later this afternoon.

Thanks! It's all good now.

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