PF basic training - Monster Recognition Class

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Pay to win characters have already memorized the monster manual anyway, and will simply ask for the things name to access their own internal memory banks.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Andrew Christian wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:

What if, before rolling the check, I say,

Hey GM, does my Tengu Bard Arawcaw remember if this creature has DR?

If I make the roll, would you give that information to me? Or would you pick something else to give me?

Definitely depends on the situation.

(Description of a situation in which not telling the player what they asked would leave a bad taste in their mouth.)

But if they ask a specific question prior to the roll, then give them that info.

So I say "depends on the situation", and you come up with a situation in which it's best to tell them what they asked for, and somehow think I wouldn't do so in that situation?

Or is it instead that you think there's never a better answer than what they asked for? Maybe that sorcerer you mentioned, trying to decide between fireball and lightning bolt, asking about energy resistances? Suppose the enemy was a flesh golem. According to your post, I should just give him what he asked for: "Nope, no energy resistances." I'm saying that in a special circumstance like that, if he only rolls high enough for 1 piece of info when he asks about resistances, I'm going to say "You don't remember anything about resistances, but you do know that it's immune to magic, except that fire slows it down and electricity heals it."

Now which of those answers do you think would, as you put it, "leave a really bad taste in the player's mouth"?

Like I said, depends on the situation.

Grand Lodge 5/5

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nosig wrote:

You know... the original intent of this post was not to argue about the knowledge rules and how they work. It really wasn't even about how we should all strive as judges to do it the same way - to reduce YMMV and bad feelings and all that.

What I was trying for was some light-hearted stories... the original question was...
"What was that training like? Let's hear some stories from Basic Training people! What did YOU learn from your DI (Drill Instructor)."

I remember in my second year as an Initiate, me and some of the other recruits were standing out on the green for an impromptu lecture by Master of Swords Farabellus. He and Adril Hestram were showing us a three foot long lizard and explaining how to deal with different beasts. The thing had bright blue-green scales with a pale yellow underside and little horns. It seemed docile enough, just sitting there while Marcos lectured about magical beasts. Adril singled me out saying “you boy, approach it like you were in the wilds”. I drew my rapier and stalked toward the harmless looking reptile. When I got about two feet from it, suddenly I felt this jolt of energy and was thrown back like ten feet landing on my back. I must have been knocked out. When I came to, Adril was doubled over guffawing with tears in his eyes. I slowly got to my feet, realizing when I did that I must have urinated myself when I was shocked. I met eyes with Farabellus, when he declared to the class, “And that is why it is called a Shocker Lizard. Remember what it looks like.”

Silver Crusade 5/5

Hawkwen Agricola wrote:
nosig wrote:

You know... the original intent of this post was not to argue about the knowledge rules and how they work. It really wasn't even about how we should all strive as judges to do it the same way - to reduce YMMV and bad feelings and all that.

What I was trying for was some light-hearted stories... the original question was...
"What was that training like? Let's hear some stories from Basic Training people! What did YOU learn from your DI (Drill Instructor)."

I remember in my second year as an Initiate, me and some of the other recruits were standing out on the green for an impromptu lecture by Master of Swords Farabellus. He and Adril Hestram were showing us a three foot long lizard and explaining how to deal with different beasts. The thing had bright blue-green scales with a pale yellow underside and little horns. It seemed docile enough, just sitting there while Marcos lectured about magical beasts. Adril singled me out saying “you boy, approach it like you were in the wilds”. I drew my rapier and stalked toward the harmless looking reptile. When I got about two feet from it, suddenly I felt this jolt of energy and was thrown back like ten feet landing on my back. I must have been knocked out. When I came to, Adril was doubled over guffawing with tears in his eyes. I slowly got to my feet, realizing when I did that I must have urinated myself when I was shocked. I met eyes with Farabellus, when he declared to the class, “And that is why it is called a Shocker Lizard. Remember what it looks like.”

I remember that class! The spark made your hair stand on end! and flashed bright as the sun!. LOL!

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I thought they were called Shocker Lizards for entirely different (and grown up conversations only) reasons. That goes to show how much time I spent in monster ID class and how much time I spent in seducing the wealthy heiress class.

Relmer wrote:

It seems the real solution here is Paizo just needs to sell a new book of "basic knowledge" that by virtue of the player owning it their characters get to automatically identify a list of creatures and know specific pieces of info about them.

Paizo makes money, Knowledge Skills are still valuable because they save you money, and pay-to-win players can now make theme characters without having to worry about making them well-rounded. Everyone wins.

Relmer, as a GM I'm not going to want to sit during a scenario, looking through the same book to see if something would be considered "basic knowledge", especially when I'm already having to go through how many different books already to run a scenario, whether it be through PFS or a Home Campaign.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

So, when I roll to ID the monster, is "What's the most important thing for Elsi to know about the critter?" a valid question? Assuming the GM is already familiar with my character.

The Exchange 5/5

Elsi Ambustiana wrote:
So, when I roll to ID the monster, is "What's the most important thing for Elsi to know about the critter?" a valid question? Assuming the GM is already familiar with my character.

Great! That more than works for me! (it would be a pleasure to have Elsi at one of my tables!)

The Exchange 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The page led the first year cadets around the corner of the Lodge building where they found the DI for thier survival training class lying with his ear to the ground. They all rushed over and laid down on the ground and also listened.

The DI said, “Druid riding a large Dino Animal Companion, the druid is human male, a little overwieght and wearing a green cloak that masks his face, traveling east up the cobblestone road, at about a 60 foot move.”

The cadets were astounded.

“You mean you can tell all that just by listening with your ear to the ground?” one asked.

“Ear to ground, nothing,” said the DI.
“That B*&^%$d ran over me just before you got here!”

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Poor nosig,

You are never going to get this back on track.

The Exchange 5/5

Lexica Rose wrote:

Poor nosig,

You are never going to get this back on track.

LOL! but it's fun trying. And I'm used to fighting hopeless battles.

Hopeless battle #17:

"Can you Take 10 on a Day Job roll?"

The Exchange 5/5

The DI looks over the class of first year Cadets again, and shakes his head in disgust. Taking a deap breath, and visibly steeling himself for the challange he begins.
"So, you all have now gotten the Mark 4 Spring Wrist Shieth strapped to the correct arm? You have placed in it the item that you feel you might need to get to quickly in an emergency? Fine-fine. Ok, I will now show you how it is triggered." A flick of the arm, and a tightly wrapped scroll appears in the DIs hand. In the middle of the class, the sound of a spring is followed by a glass vial sailing thru the air to fall behind the class with crash of braking glass and a "wooosh" of fire. Without looking up, the DI snapped. "Kawolski! I didn't say for you to activate yours yet! And who issued the goblin alchemist fire again? Somebody put that out..."
"Ok, now - slowly raise the arm with the shieth - that would be your other right arm Kendra! - and pull the hand back firmly - grabbing as the item pops - " the sound of mutiple springs is accompied by ripping cloth, braking glass, ripping paper, and in one case a gasp of pain, "-out of your sleave. Arendson - get Carg to sickbay and that dagger out of his palm." Looking at a Cadet with a wooden wand sticking from a hole in the elbow of her student uniform, the DI says mildly, "you strapped it on backwords again Katisha."

Just another day in Pathfinder Basic Training...

5/5 *

nosig wrote:

** hopeless battle spoiler **

hopless battle answer:
Good thing the 4.2 guide explicitly says that yes, you can!
The Exchange 5/5

CRobledo wrote:
nosig wrote:

** hopeless battle spoiler **

** spoiler omitted **


yes, you may think me each time you T10 on Day jobs (I'm willing to except credit for this) - and the many posts in which people explained to me why you should never be allowed to do such a thing! How greatly unbalancing and unrealistic it would be!



Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Relmer wrote:
It seems the real solution here is Paizo just needs to sell a new book of "basic knowledge" that by virtue of the player owning it their characters get to automatically identify a list of creatures and know specific pieces of info about them.

I usually don't require a knowledge check to know anything that's available in the knowledge section of the Pathfinder Society Field Guide. (This of course assumes I remember if the piece of info is in the Fiedl Guide or not. I'm getting better at it though.)

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