Other RPGs

Silver Crusade

Anyone remember the Lost Unicorn Games Trek RPGs?

Liberty's Edge

Well, I sure do!!! :)

Heh, check my user profile. I actually worked with/for Last Unicorn Games on a number of projects back in the day :)

Silver Crusade

Marc Radle wrote:

Well, I sure do!!! :)

** spoiler omitted **

Well, I think I may have one of your books. I got the UFP:SB and the Neutral Zone Campaign for the TNG era. I wanted to get the Way of Dera.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've got a few of the LUG Trek books (and a few of the Decipher ones as well) Never really got a chance to play them yet... Gaming groups are a fickle thing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Nodnarb wrote:
Gaming groups are a fickle thing.

So say we all :(

Silver Crusade

Drejk wrote:
Nodnarb wrote:
Gaming groups are a fickle thing.
So say we all :(

"You introduce player character death!"

"WHAT? I only wanted a more realistic playing environment for you guys!"


"You don't have to play!"

"I hate RM!"

"You never really tried it!"


"I hate <put any non-conservative game system here>!"

"You never really tried it!"

So much this...

2005-7: I heard that from so many people about new World Of Darkness. Did they played it? Nope. Did tghey read it? Quite often not. Why they hated it? Because it wasn't old World Of Darkness... And so often they listed advantages of the oWoD that were exactly the reasons why I don't GM oWoD anymore... *sigh* *shrug*

And back to the topic. I have seen it, I have browsed it, but I have never played it. While I do occassionally enjoy Star Trek movies and series I am not exactly thrilled to play a session of it. There are so many other sf games that I would love to play that have higher priority over Star Trek given the chance... (n no particular order): Traveller, preferably using GURPS, Traveller - Interstellar War, Alternity/Star Drive, Blue Planet, possibly Transhuman Space. Eclipse Phase would have higher priority than ST too. And I think I am missing a setting or two more. Like Spacemaster (the first one setting, not the Privateer).

Liberty's Edge

GM Elton wrote:
Marc Radle wrote:

Well, I sure do!!! :)

** spoiler omitted **

Well, I think I may have one of your books. I got the UFP:SB and the Neutral Zone Campaign for the TNG era. I wanted to get the Way of Dera.

Cool. Can't help you find books though - EBAY is probably a good option.

About the only things I still have from those days are my Aria: Canticle of the Monomyth books and one sealed booster deck of Heresy: Kingdom Come cards :)

Quasi on topic ... I actually really liked the old FASA Start Trek RPG. We played plenty of that when my friends and I were kids.

I remember it pretty well, given I've been reading the TNG rulebook for the past month. =)

I'm about the run a LUGTrek campaign, starting next Saturday.

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