Hello, looking for ideas!


Hi All,

I've kind of lurked around the boards for a while - I started with AD&D in '82 in high school and have played that style for a while.

Whilst I've popped up here and there with comments from time to time, I've been trying to recapture that feeling that me and my party got the first time we went up against the slavers and the giants way back when.

I've got all of the AP's up until now, and I think they're great, but they're not the same. Is it simply that we're all had too much experience (real world, not gaming) and can't be moved in the same way, or have we not tripped over the right adventure?

Please let me know if you think I've missed something.

Thanks in advance,


I think its just the side affect of getting older. It is also heightened if you have been gaming with the same group for a long time.

I've been there and to some extent still there a bit. Adding a new player to the group always seems to infuse some new life into the gaming experience.

I have found myself as the GM not trying to make my own campaings (it just more time than I have) but working on props and other things to make it a more immersive experience because honestly as you get older it's hard to turn off the real life thought process.

Hope that helps.


I think some of the first few games I ever played were great fun mostly because in the flush of my ignorance, I never knew what was going to happen and each random monster whose stats I did not know seemed totally life-threatening.

Not to say that games are not fun anymore, but as you may have found, trying to find something fresh and exciting for gamers who perhaps have seen (and played) it all may be a challenge.

With some work some of those classic AD&D modules could be converted to work with Pathfinder, which is something I am doing. I look forward to introducing the next generation of gamers (my nephew and niece) to the Temple of Elemental Evil, the Desert of Desolation and Ravenloft Castle.

Hmm. Food for thought.
A mate of mine recently passed on his set of 'X' modules to me - he didn't think he'd be using them again, so I'm thinking of converting a couple of them to Pathfinder and giving them a go and see what happens.



What kind of things do your players tend to do? If you're always the dashing heroes, take a peek at Skulls and Shackles or, even more extreme, Way of the Wicked. Which is awesome, by the way, and check out the free preview.

Or if you tend to dungeon crawl, mix it up with some urban based adventures. Alternatively, if you guys do a lot of political wangling, take a peek at Rappan Athuk for some fun Dungeon Crawling time (that will kill you).

Basically, just try and do something different. Kingmaker for a more sandbox game, Carrion Crown for some horror, whatever you guys don't usually do.

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