6 Ways to Raise the Dead

Homebrew and House Rules

Silver Crusade

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After many lengthy forum discussions on Raise Dead mechanics and how it affects gameplay and storytelling, finally found a fine article in Dungeon #342 by Rodney Thompson. Gives 6 alternative ways to Raise the Dead for those who feel that game systems cheapen what should be a dramatic event in storytelling and make it more a nuisance that transforms tragedy into economics. It also provides more game-friendly options that incorporate the below so a player doesn't have to sit out indefinitely while a hard-to-find Raise Dead is obtained.

#1. Keepers of the Dead.

Raise Dead magic is restricted to the gods of death/healing. Each Raise Dead is uniquely tied to the individual, so no Raise Dead scrolls. Alternately, Raise Dead scrolls capable of raising anyone may be rare holy artifacts, jealously guarded by the church. Finally, gods of death may require quid pro quo, a soul for a soul.

#2. Eve of the Dead.

The dead can only be raised at times/dates relevant to the diety when the barrier between the world of the living and dead are at their thinnest. A god of nature may only allow raising on the equinoxes, moon god during full moons, etc. To avoid players sitting out too long, the GM should make more frequent options available (no worse than 1x a week).

#3. Land of the Dead.

Only at certain locations can the dead be raised, such as rifts where the spirits cluster or a site consecrated by the diety itself, possibly leading to an entire adventure to secure such a site.

#4. Mark of Passing.

Raise Dead leaves a permanent and noticeable mark on the character that shows them as unnatural, returned from the dead. In cultures where death is respected, this causes a cumulative -2 on CHA-based skill checks.

#5. Familiar Soul.

Raising the Dead creates a bond between the caster and the subject. The caster gains +5 to overcome subject's SR and the subject suffers a -4 on saves to resist the caster's magic. With unscrupulous casters, this can be abusive. Lasts until the target dies.

#6. Resuscitate.

Raise Dead is reduced to 1 hour per level from time of death, making the Breath of Life spell extremely important. Incorporated the Revivify Spell from 3rd edition that was the same as breath of life except with 1,000gp cost that raised the dead to stabilized -1 hp.

Optional: To avoid impossible measures, a character gains one of the below conditions until the full requirements of the Raise Dead variant are met. For example, if using Keeper of the Dead, other clerics could cast the spell, but only a cleric whose diety oversees death (or healing) could complete the ritual so that there is no "penalty."

Foot in the Grave. The soul is partially here and in the afterlife. The character seems listless, is always fatigued and upon negative HP begins to bleed out at 2hp a round.

Stagnant. The soul is locked into a limbo, repetitive state in which no XP is gained.

I like. May borrow for a future game.

This is awesome, total flavor for what should be nearly impossible.

Saving this for later.

In my own campaigns I often resort to mixes of all of these. "Keepers of the Dead," being one of my favorites. Meaning only certain items, certain rare books, holy people, divine intersession ect ect can bring back the dead.

Short of godly intersession, mortals can cheat death but it requires alchemical talents, or Necromancy, and there is no assurance that what your doing will bring back the person you want. In one campaign they pulled a frankenstein and got a player back to life, but he hated what he was now and chose to "end it." so to speak.

Scarab Sages

We could just take the character to Miracle Max*



* only works if the character is mostly dead

Excellent find, thanks for passing it along. I will have to use this information. Thanks!

Silver Crusade

It may be dragon #342, but anyways, the gist is there. #6 revivify spell was in the days before Breath of Life, so less compelling to tote around 1000gp in diamonds for an emergency "jolt" back to life.

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