Investigations in Sandpoint- Spoilers

Rise of the Runelords

Liberty's Edge

So, I am running the anniversary edition and my players were just sent by Sheriff Hemlock to check the crypt and found Father Tobyn's remains missing. They reported back to Zantus and now are wanting to investigate. I want to give them some clues to point them in the right direction, but I don't want them to rush off to Thistletop right now (they are mostly 1st level, one or two are 2nd). Any ideas?

Liberty's Edge

We had a ranger in our party. He tracked the foot prints to the river, but couldn't find where the led off to after that. There are enough clues further in the chapter to get them up to Thistletop. I don't think you need to give them much more than the foot prints to get them to at least ask questions.

Sovereign Court

Gossip about Tobyn and his daughter, some stuff about goblins raiding the junkyard, some false rumours about goblin necromancers... you don't have to give them clues that lead to Thistletop. Instead, give them clues that make the encounters there come to life.

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