OGL or not....

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Just because Paizo can not include non-OGL material in their publications does not mean that we, the readers and gm's , cannot insert it into their adventures or setting. I wouldn't be surprised if once the 1st issue is out, the boards will be alive with, "oh I switched this feat/class/beastie/item for this..." Of course I'm hoping that for the most part James & the Gang so completely blow us away that we would hardly think of changing something too often : )

"Change is the only constant"

Tessius wrote:
Just because Paizo can not include non-OGL material in their publications does not mean that we, the readers and gm's , cannot insert it into their adventures or setting.

My concern is that it may be too targeted at those who have every bit of non-OGL material from Wizards, such that Pathfinder might be indistinguishable from "a certain Wizards product that will remain un-named", especially rules-wise.

I think one of the criticisms of "Dungeon" and "Dragon" was that they had become too much tied to Wizards and its flagship RPG, to the exclusion of ANYTHING else... precisely because of the relationship between Wizards & Paizo.

There are so many pieces of OGL that don't use every bit of Wizards' game & have attempted to improve on what Wizards made out of the original work by Gygax & company. I don't want to have to have the "Complete UbarPrC" or whatever hardback from Wizards to decipher "Pathfinder".

I'm hoping for a more open-ended, open-minded Pathfinder product that is more OGL-compliant and less dependent on specific Wizards-isms in order to enjoy... but it's really hard to say until I see what is actually coming down the pipe. I really can't commit to a subscription until I know more.

For example, I don't personally need umpteen unbalanced, unnecessary PrCs for every little faction in the adventure path... but some people like having a lot of PrCs for everything.

I just don't want another mouthpiece for Wizards & Wizards products...

Liberty's Edge

I was just saying that if a dm or his/her group of players really like seeing something pop up in most of their campaigns they can probably fit it into a Pathfinder adventure. I personally am hoping that the original material is so good that most of us won't feel the need or desire to splice in wotc's material much at all.

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