Boons only via Gencon?

Pathfinder Society


So, I've noticed that at least a couple of the races I'd love to play, you need the chronicle that 'unlocks' it. Doing a bit of digging, it would seem they are done at Gencon, at limited numbers.

Are there any exceptions to this? I understand Society is kinda meant for conventions and the like; but the odds of me ever getting to GenCon itself are slim to none, and it's kind of a low blow to have fun/interesting races dangled in front of me just to find I'll never have a chance to play them in Society...

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Local conventions that have at least 15 sessions for the weekend can request boons.

Talk to your local Venture-Officer and see what, if anything, they have planned for a local convention.


It's not just GenCon. We had a minicon here recently where GMs got Kitsune/Wayang/Nagaji boons. (Players got other things.) Whereas I think you can probably assume that PaizoCon is going to have some of the rarer ones. It varies.

GenCon was the only place to get the goblin boon, though, if that's what you mean.


So I missed out on kitsune as well? Blast. I'll be going to NekoCon this weekend, and there's several society games that will be run. I was hoping to come with something a bit more exotic. Ah, well.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Kitsune boons are still available, as far as I know. Set up a game day or convention where you get 15 tables over the course of the event and you quality for boon support. Its rough, but doable. Setting up a local game day, we might get to 15 tables in a day (come on, gamers!).


I think the only race that has been limited and specific to Gencon was the Goblin boon -- those players earned it, and being as they are limited should make for some interesting stories of people encountering them for the first time.

5/5 *

Also, in case you missed it, Tengu, Aasimar and Tiefling were recently opened up for play without boon.


Yeah. I've been considering a Tiefling sorc, rakshasa lineage, focus on charm and compulsion. I'm just not sure how effective that would be in Scenarios.


Tiefling and Aasimar make sense to me, but Tengu still seems silly. Don't get me wrong, I'm playing one, and he's great. But I still wonder if they just rolled dice for that decision or what.

... which would be pretty awesome, actually. So I guess I'm okay with that. ;)

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

Patrick Harris @ SD wrote:

Tiefling and Aasimar make sense to me, but Tengu still seems silly. Don't get me wrong, I'm playing one, and he's great. But I still wonder if they just rolled dice for that decision or what.

... which would be pretty awesome, actually. So I guess I'm okay with that. ;)

Nope. Not only are Tengu prominent in Tian-Xia, they are prominent all over the west coast of Avistan and Garund. They appear in numerous references in the various pirate themed books, including the Jinx Eater on page 50 of Isles of the Shackles


Don't like Mike fool you. They didn't use dice, they used darts.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Kyle Baird wrote:
Don't like Mike fool you. They didn't use dice, they used darts.

Wait...does this mean Mike is a Cylon???

(inside joke for BSG fans)

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