Lost Character generation

Website Feedback

I just lost a 600 word back story for my character when editing aliases. I was writing for approximately 2 hours when I had finished I clicke the save button only to be returned to the home page. I then checked the character and realized in fury that I had just lost the entire 600 words. I mean really? WTF?

I'm sorry. Sometimes, these things happen, unfortunately.

You're going to be annoyed as heck with me for saying this, but sometimes, I just feel the need to preach. Jade Dragon, I want you to repeat this until it's engraved into your brain:

Control-A, Control-C.
Control-A, Control-C.
Control-A, Control-C.

As you're typing your message, every now and then - for example, whenever you pause for thought - you hit Control-A, Control-C.

Learn it. Know it. Do it. Live it.

And for a REALLY long story or message, I would even go so far as to suggest that you type it into a text editor and save it to disk. Often.

One day, you'll be thankful for forming habits like these.

Sovereign Court

I use firefox and have Lazarus form recovery to help me out when things like that happen.

There is a chrome version as well.

And a safari version!

Almost all forums will have a risk of something like that if you stay on an editing screen for a long time. I have found Paizo better than most but two hours is a real stretch.

I highly recommend trying lazarus, it won't help you now but it will help you in the future.

Aaron Bitman wrote:

And for a REALLY long story or message, I would even go so far as to suggest that you type it into a text editor and save it to disk. Often.

Definitely this. Every time I make a decently-sized post, I save it to a txt-file before hitting submit (and some times while I'm writing it, too, in case I hit a button I shouldn't before I finish).

I've also developed a habit of always marking and copying every post, even small ones, before submitting.

Yeah, the length of time you were writing was probably the problem; the connection tends to time out after it sits on the same page for a while. What everyone else has said: Copy frequently while writing. Copy/paste to Wordpad even, just in case you accidentally forget and copy something else over your clipboard. Lazarus plug-in. Also, using Chrome, I can usually back-arrow to the submission page and find everything I typed there, although this emphatically does NOT work with IE.

Sovereign Court

Lazarus- should be compulsory for this website. Can't recommend it highly enough.

Far, far more convenient than control-a and control- c and it happens without your input or thought.

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